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"Head'sh all right, Martin." "To be sure it is, Mr. Peters. Now will ye rest aisy awhile, sir?" "I'm axphyxiated," cried another voice from the darkness, the mined voice of Jerome Kyme, our classmate. "Get the tackles under him!" came forth in commanding tones from Conybear. In the meantime many windows had been raised and much gratuitous advice was being given.

Kyme than his quick eye singled me out of the group. "Why, Hugh!" he exclaimed, taking my hand. "I had no idea I should meet you here I saw your father only last week, the day I left home." And he added, turning to Mrs. Kyme, "Hugh is the son of Mr. Matthew Paret, who has been the leader of our bar for many years."

One became automatically a personage.... It was due to one of those singular coincidences so interesting a subject for speculation that the man who revealed to me this golden romance of the Kyme family was none other than a resident of my own city, Mr.

From her, rather than from her husband, both of the children seemed to have inherited. I used to watch Mr. Grosvenor Kyme as he sat at the end of the dinner-table, dark, preoccupied, taciturn, symbolical of a wealth new to my experience, and which had about it a certain fabulous quality.

And yet without me, without my profession he was a helpless giant, at the mercy of those alert and vindictive lawmakers who sought to restrain and hamper him, to check his growth with their webs. How stimulating the idea of his dependence! How exhilarating too, the thought that that vision which had first possessed me as an undergraduate on my visit to Jerry Kyme was at last to be realized!

Jerry's invitations were charily given, and valued accordingly; and more than once, at our table, I had felt a twinge of envy when Conybear or someone else had remarked, with the proper nonchalance, in answer to a question, that they were going to Weathersfield. Such was the name of the Kyme place....

The oldest Greek settlement in Italy, Kyme, was, as its name and legend tell, founded by the town of the same name on the Anatolian coast. According to trustworthy Hellenic tradition, the Phocaeans of Asia Minor were the first of the Hellenes to traverse the more remote western sea.

Kyme than his quick eye singled me out of the group. "Why, Hugh!" he exclaimed, taking my hand. "I had no idea I should meet you here I saw your father only last week, the day I left home." And he added, turning to Mrs. Kyme, "Hugh is the son of Mr. Matthew Paret, who has been the leader of our bar for many years."

The subject was investments, at first those of coal and iron in my own state, for Mr. Watling, it appeared, was counsel for the Boyne Iron Works. "It will pay you to keep an eye on that company, Mr. Kyme," he said, knocking the ashes from his cigar. "Now that old Mr. Durrett's gone " "You don't mean to say Nathaniel Durrett's dead!" said Mr. Kyme. The lawyer nodded.