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Now, if His Majesty and the Queen should fail to return from their journeyings, your position would be stronger." Louis sank into a chair, deeply agitated. "I fear this man Von Ritz more deeply than Karyl." "Naturally," was Jusseret's dry comment. "But Your Majesty will leave Von Ritz alone. I also, should like to see him disposed of but leave him alone, or you will incur Europe's displeasure."

Jusseret's lip had half-curled, then swiftly he had turned and flashed a look of inquiry upon the woman. Her eyes had been on Louis and she had not caught the quick glint that came into the Frenchman's pupils, or the thoughtful regard with which he studied her and the Duke across the edge of his teacup. Later, when he rose to make his adieux, she noted the thoughtful expression on his face.

He knew that when this man seemed most idle he was often most busy. Martin had come to a near-by point by chance. He went on to Jusseret's town, and then to his hotel, with the same surety and motive that directs the vulture to its carrion. The Jackal was ushered into the Frenchman's room in the tattered and somewhat disheveled condition to which his recent weeks of vagabondage had subjected him.

Louis watched him, scowling, and as the Colonel passed into the street turned suddenly and spoke in a vehement whisper. Jusseret's sardonic lips twisted into a wry smile as though in recognition of an adversary's clever check. The café was now filled. Few tables remained unoccupied, and of these, several were near that of the Ducal party. Blanco rose.

I rarely overlook an integral detail. I, however, find myself growing alarmingly faulty of judgment." "Indeed!" The Englishman was not greatly engrossed in the autobiographical phases of Jusseret's diplomatic felonies. "I regret to acknowledge it, but it is, alas, true. I reflected that the world would resent harsh treatment of a man like Von Ritz. He had committed no crime.

"And now," callously supplemented the Englishman, "our new King feels an uncertainty of tenure so long as the old King lives, and I am rushed after this refugee Monarch with brief instructions to dispose of him." There was a certain eloquence in the shrug of Jusseret's shoulders.