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"It's a queer thing," said Hinde as he related the news to John, "that I'm advising you to take the job when I was telling you the other night that journalism's no work for a man; but that only shows what a journalist I am. No stability ... carried off my feet by any excitement. And mebbe the life'll disgust you and you'll go home again!..." "With my tail between my legs?" John demanded.

Journalism's as good as anything, and in some ways, it's a lot better than most things, and let me tell you, Mac, anybody can make a decent living out of newspapers if he only takes the trouble to earn it. Half the fellows in Fleet Street treat journalism as if it were a religious vocation, and they lie about in pubs all day waiting for the Holy Ghost to come down and inspire them with a scoop!"

And if I talk they touch it up!... They didn't used to touch things up! Now they put in character touches insulting you. Don't know what journalism's coming to. It's all Boom's doing." He cursed Lord Boom with considerable imaginative vigour. "Well," said I, "what can he do?" "Shove us up against time, George; make money tight for us. We been handling a lot of money and he tightens us up."

Calvin McDonald's offered me a job on The American Flag." "What will you do? Write editorials or poetry?" his father asked. Francisco flushed. "I'll be a copy boy to start with.... And there's no harm in writing poetry. Uncle Ben does it himself." It was Benito's turn to redden. "Better let the boy have his way," he said hastily. "Journalism's quite an education in itself."

Every other newspaper in town caught the contagion; became by insensible degrees more sensational and pornographic. Such as lagged in this Harlot's Progress suffered a loss of circulation, journalism's most condign penalty. For there are certain appetites which, once stimulated, must be appeased. Otherwise business wanes!