United States or Tuvalu ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Jorje," which looks like "George" spelt phonetically, but is pronounced so very differently, can easily be mastered, and that real teaser "gracht," the Dutch for "canal," with a strong guttural at either end of it, comes easily out of a Scottish throat. The power to acquire these tongues is there, but the inclination is woefully lacking.

I am waiting until it is good weather to ask you to come to dine at Palaiseau with Goulard's Sirenne, and some other Goulards of your kind and of mine. Up to now it has been frightfully cold and it is not worth the trouble to come to the country to catch a cold. I have finished my novel, and you? I kiss the two great diamonds which adorn your face. Jorje Sens

They fight for three days, and Castro manage so well he lose only one man, and the others run away and not lose any." Brotherton laughed. "I hope all our battles may be as bloodless," he said, and then drew a short breath. Russell, accompanied by Don Jorje and Doña Francesca Hernandez and the priest of Monterey, entered the room.

Immediately following the American officers came Don Fernando Altimira on horseback. He scowled as he saw the erect swinging figures of the conquerors, but Benicia kissed the tips of her fingers as he flung his sombrero to the ground, and he galloped, smiling, on his way. That night the officers of the United States squadron met the society of Monterey at the house of Don Jorje Hernandez.