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I've been a-chivied and a-chivied, fust by one on you and nixt by another on you, till I'm worritted to skins and bones. The inkwhich warn't MY fault. I done nothink. He wos wery good to me, he wos; he wos the only one I knowed to speak to, as ever come across my crossing. It ain't wery likely I should want him to be inkwhiched. I only wish I wos, myself.

I cast one look at the multitude back of me poor things, who may have stood there two days already, and I felt despicably mean, as if I were not playing fair. Once inside, I was put through a category of questions, worse than an "Inkwhich." "Why had I come to Liége?" "How long had I been there?" "Why did I want to go away?" "Where to?" "How?" etc.

"Were you examined at an inquest?" "I don't know nothink about no where I was took by the beadle, do you mean?" says Jo. "Was the boy's name at the inkwhich Jo?" "Yes." "That's me!" says Jo. "Come farther up." "You mean about the man?" says Jo, following. "Him as wos dead?" "Hush! Speak in a whisper! Yes. Did he look, when he was living, so very ill and poor?" "Oh, jist!" says Jo.

To be sure! I recollect this lad some time ago being brought before the coroner." "Yes, I see you once afore at the inkwhich," whimpers Jo. "What of that? Can't you never let such an unfortnet as me alone? An't I unfortnet enough for you yet? How unfortnet do you want me fur to be?

He patiently awaits an explicit answer; and Jo, more baffled by his patience than by anything else, at last desperately whispers a name in his ear. "Aye!" says Allan. "Why, what had you been doing?" "Nothink, sir. Never done nothink to get myself into no trouble, 'sept in not moving on and the inkwhich. But I'm a-moving on now. I'm a-moving on to the berryin ground that's the move as I'm up to."

Snagsby," says Jo, "out of a sov-ring as wos give me by a lady in a wale as sed she wos a servant and as come to my crossin one night and asked to be showd this 'ere ouse and the ouse wot him as you giv the writin to died at, and the berrin-ground wot he's berrid in. She ses to me she ses 'are you the boy at the inkwhich? she ses. I ses 'yes' I ses.