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Each infective disease has its special toxine, and for the destruction of each the blood prepares its particular antitoxine; possibly, however, some of the antitoxines may be efficacious against more than one kind of toxine, for there are physicians who are convinced that vaccination is a temporary preventive of whooping-cough.

I learned also of divers other rivers of that nature among them, which were also, while the sun was in the meridian, very safe to drink, and in the morning, evening, and night, wonderful dangerous and infective.

The principle was applied to other conditions with like success, and so profoundly has it affected the whole aspect of surgical pathology, that many of the infective diseases with which surgeons formerly had to deal are now all but unknown. The broad principles upon which Lister founded his system remain unchanged, although the methods employed to put them into practice have been modified.

#Methods of Infection.# In marked contrast to what obtains in the infective diseases that have already been described, tuberculosis rarely results from the infection of a wound.

Hæmorrhage from the stomach and intestine, attended with a brown or black discoloration of the vomit and of the stools, is one of the best known examples: it is not uncommonly met with in infective conditions originating in the appendix, intestine, gall-bladder, and other abdominal organs.

In some cases the passage of masses of free cocci in the lymphatics, or of infective emboli in the blood vessels, leads to the formation of pyogenic abscesses in vital organs, such as the brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, or other viscera. Hæmorrhage from erosion of arterial or venous trunks may take place and endanger life. Treatment.

If you take the following precautions without delay you are very very unlikely to contract disease: Urinate immediately after each connection to wash away all infective material, and to prevent the invasion of the urethra by the microbes of V.D.

The infective agent, moreover, in order to reach the blood stream, must usually overcome the resistance of several glands. Lymph glands are, for the most part, arranged in groups or chains, such as those in the axilla, neck, and groin.

But we know with certainty that the gnat, Stegomya fasciata, and no other, is the carrier of the unseen germ, and that we can obliterate that fever by obliterating the gnat. So, too, although we know how the infection of rabies acts, and how it is carried, yet no one has yet isolated and recognised the terrible infective particle itself.

When the ulcer has assumed the characters of a healing sore, skin-grafts may be applied to hasten cicatrisation. Ulcers in a callous condition call for treatment in three directions The infective element must be eliminated.