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But the same operation is transacted every where; it is seen upon the plains of Indostan, as in the haughs of Scotland; the Ganges operates upon its banks, and is employed in changing its bed continually as well as the Tweed . The great city of Babylon was built upon the haugh of a river. What is become of that city? nothing remains, even the place, on which it stood, is not known.

On the 9th March, 1805, I sailed from St. Helens in the ship Thames, commanded by James Welsh, in company with a fleet of ships bound to the East Indies, under convoy of his Majesty's ship Indostan.

In China, besides, in Indostan, and in several other governments of Asia, the revenue of the sovereign arises almost altogether from a land tax or land rent, which rises or falls with the rise and fall of the annual produce of the land.

Bengal accordingly, the province of Indostan which commonly exports the greatest quantity of rice, has always been more remarkable for the exportation of a great variety of manufactures, than for that of its grain.

A probable cause of epidemics Extracts from Mr Suessmilch's tables Periodical returns of sickly seasons to be expected in certain cases Proportion of births to burials for short periods in any country an inadequate criterion of the real average increase of population Best criterion of a permanent increase of population Great frugality of living one of the causes of the famines of China and Indostan Evil tendency of one of the clauses in Mr Pitt's Poor Bill Only one proper way of encouraging population Causes of the Happiness of nations Famine, the last and most dreadful mode by which nature represses a redundant population The three propositions considered as established.

The wealth of ancient Egypt, that of China and Indostan, sufficiently demonstrate that a nation may attain a very high degree of opulence, though the greater part of its exportation trade be carried on by foreigners.

It lies upon the most frequented road from Indostan to China and Japan, and is nearly about mid-way upon that road.

This is said to be a common practice in Turkey, in Indostan, and, I believe, in most other governments of Asia. It seems to have been a common practice among our ancestors during the violence of the feudal government. Treasure-trove was, in these times, considered as no contemptible part of the revenue of the greatest sovereigns in Europe.

But there are other reasons. No man can pretend that the wild, barbarous, and capricious superstitions of Africa, or of savage tribes elsewhere, affect him in the way that he is affected by the ancient, monumental, cruel, and elaborate religions of Indostan, etc.

I longed most painfully to be at home among the scenes and friends of my youth, and I resolved, once I had risen from my sick bed, to let no motives of ambition or interest detain me any further in Indostan. I communicated these sensible resolutions to old Muzzy, who thoroughly approved of them. "And I tell you what, Athelstane, lad, we'll make our passage home in company," he said.