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Could a painter at that moment have observed Iffley's countenance, it might have served him as a likeness of Satan when he is assured that Eve has fallen. The officers walked aft, the crew dispersed, and I was placed under charge of the master-at-arms. Two days passed by. How full of agony and wretchedness they were! The pain I was to expect was as nothing compared to the disgrace and degradation.

It was one forenoon my watch below when I heard the cry of "All hands shorten sail!" I had been stationed in the fore-top. I sprang on deck as fast as my strength would allow, but I had not recovered my usual activity. "Fly aloft, there! fly aloft, you lazy scoundrel, or a rope's-end will freshen your way a bit!" I heard a voice cry, close to my ear. It was Iffley's.

After I had heard this account of the servant girl, I could not help feeling somewhat suspicious of Iffley's object. The mere asking them was very natural, and had he come frankly forward to meet us, I should not have entertained any ill thoughts of him; but now, in spite of all my resolution, I could not help dreading that he contemplated doing me some mischief or other.

It was a serious consideration whether I would, on the mere chance of Iffley's being able to get hold of me, give up my occupation, in which I was succeeding so well, and go and live, for I knew not how long, in comparative poverty, without anything to do.

The man who accused him is dead, but he left evidence not only that this man is innocent, but that a most vile attempt has been made to accuse him falsely. I know the man; let him beware that he is not caught in the trap he has laid for another." While the captain was speaking, I caught sight of Iffley's countenance.

A triumphant smile flitted across Iffley's features, and he passed the knotted tails of his cat, as if mechanically, through his fingers, while he cast a glance at me which I too well understood. The captain turned towards me. "What is this I hear?" he asked. "Do you acknowledge the theft, Weatherhelm?"