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The ra is either a phonetic complement to the ideograph or is perhaps added to suggest to the reader the identification with Gir-ra. Namely, the connection with Hebrew deber, 'pestilence. Cf. Harper, ib. p. 426. Babylon. Text obscure. "Sharpen badly" seems to be the idiomatic phrase used. See above, p. 154. See p. 475. A solar deity. See p. 99. Ishum. See above, p. 501. I.e., seven.

Their efforts are said to have been limited to the tracing of ideographs and the composition of verselets. A perfectly formed ideograph possesses in Japanese eyes many of the qualities that commend a pictorial masterpiece to Western appreciation.

On the assumption that the union of the syllables A-nun-na-ki represents a compound ideograph, the middle syllable nun signifies 'strength, whereas the first is the ordinary ideograph for 'water. Hommel proposed to interpret the name therefore as 'gods of the watery habitation. The artificiality of this manner of writing points, as in several instances noted, to a mere 'play' upon the real name.

In view of a passage in a lexicographical tablet, according to which the name of the god is designated as the equivalent of the god Gir-ra, Jensen concluded that the name was to be read Gira, and Delitzsch is inclined to follow him. A difficulty, however, arises through the circumstance that the element Gir in the name Gir-ra is itself an ideograph.

Although the same ideograph, or rather logogram, was used to designate the Chinese scholar and the Japanese warrior as well, yet the former was man of the pen only, while the latter was man of the pen and of two swords. This historical fact, more than any other, accounts for the striking differences between Chinese and Japanese Confucianism.

He therefore set himself to lead the shogun into licentious habits, and the lecture-meetings ultimately changed their complexion. Tsunayoshi, giving an ideograph from his name to Yasuaki, called him Yoshiyasu, and authorized him to assume the family name of Matsudaira, conferring upon him at the same time a new domain in the province of Kai yielding 150,000 koku.

The young mother who loses her first child may at least pray that it will come back to her out of the night of death not in dreams only, but through reincarnation. And so praying, she writes within the hand of the little corpse the first ideograph of her lost darling's name. Months pass; she again becomes a mother. Eagerly she examines the flower-soft hand of the infant.

*It has already been stated that Japan was generally known in China and Korea by the term "Wa," which, being written with an ideograph signifying "dwarf" or "subservient," was disliked by the Japanese. It is not certain at what time exactly the Japanese themselves adopted this nomenclature, but it certainly was before the seventh century. Translated by Aston in the Nihongi.

And lo! the self-same ideograph is there a rosy birth-mark on the tender palm; and the Soul returned looks out upon her through the eyes of the newly-born with the gaze of other days. While on the subject of death I may speak of a primitive but touching custom which exists both in Oki and Izumo that of calling the name of the dead immediately after death.

Certain of the tablets contain lists of persons of both sexes, apparently denoted by their personal names, the signs which appear to stand for the name being followed in each case by an ideograph which is the determinative of 'man, or 'woman, as the case may be.