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It was with unruffled self-possession that Huss gave himself to martyrdom. As he had never abandoned the Romish Church, he calmly engaged in its functions preparatory to his death. Indeed, some touching scenes were witnessed in his prison he unshaken his friends, his very enemies weeping like womanhood beside him.

Those streets below had echoed with the fiery words of Huss, and the castle of his follower the blind Ziska, who met and defeated the armies of the German Empire molders on the mountains above. Many a year of war and tempest has passed over the scene.

Benjamin Haydon, then clustered at the Pantheon in Oxford Street, which in due course became our favourite haunt, so infinitely more, after all, than we had enjoyed those arrayed at the Düsseldorf collection in Broadway; whence the huge canvas of the Martyrdom of John Huss comes back to me in fact as a revelation of representational brightness and charm that pitched once for all in these matters my young sense of what should be.

The Swiss revolted in the reign of Albert, and their long and severe struggle for independence was commenced at this time. "During the reign of Sigismund, one of the successors of Albert, John Huss, the reformer, was burned at the stake at Constance, whither he had gone with the safe-conduct of the emperor.

Did Wickliffe in England pretend to it? Did Huss or Jerome in Bohemia? Did Luther in Germany, Zuinglius in Switzerland, Calvin in France, or any of the reformers advance this plea?" "Concerning the religion of ancient Rome, of Turkey, of Siam, of China, a single miracle cannot be named that was ever offered as a test of any of those religions before their establishment."

As for the sublime four years' deliberations and debates of this Sanhedrim of the Universe eloquent debates, conducted, we may say, under such extent of wig as was never seen before or since they have fallen wholly to the domain of Dryasdust; and amount, for mankind at this time, to zero plus the burning of Huss.

It was a very different entrance from that of Huss to Constance, nearly twenty years before, and was to have a very different termination. Procop Holy headed the procession, accompanied by others of the Bohemian leaders. A signal triumph had come to the party of religious reform, after twenty years of struggle. For fifty days the negotiations continued. Neither side would yield.

At length he came home to Nuremberg, a needy traveller, entering the city by the same gate as that by which Huss had that same day departed, having tarried in Nuremberg on his way to Costnitz and won over divers of our learned scholars to his doctrine.

The Church which burned John Huss, which burned Giordano Bruno for teaching that the earth moves round the sun that same church, in the name of the same three-headed god, sent out Francesco Ferrer to the firing-squad; if it does not do the same thing to the author of this book, it will be solely because of the police.

That is how it came to pass the good man Huss was burned. And the reason? He put his finger in the pie without being asked. Then why was he a Huguenot before the others?