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A couple of hours later Mr Markham and Dick Rendal almost rubbed shoulders in the crowd of passengers shaking hands with the ever polite Captain Holditch, and bidding the Carnatic good-bye with the usual parting compliments; but in the hurry and bustle no one noted that the pair exchanged neither word nor look of recognition. The skipper gave Dick an honest clap on the shoulder.

'Doctor's fixed you up, then? That's right. Make the best of your holiday, and I'll see that the Board does you justice, and with that, turned away for more hand-shaking. One small thing he did remark. When it came to Mr Markham's turn, that gentleman, before extending a hand, lifted it to his forehead and gravely saluted. But great men as Captain Holditch knew have their eccentric ways.

'Lives in Park Lane, doesn't he? that big corner house like a game-pie? . . . Ye-es, you were thoughtful, as usual. . . . Only some one might have been down to the docks to meet him. 'Wish I knew his doctor's address. Well, never mind I'll fix him up so that he reaches Park Lane, anyway. 'He ought to do something for Rendal, mused Captain Holditch.

On his way thither Mr Markham protested cheerily that he saw no reason for all this fuss; he was as right now, or nearly as right, as the Bank. How's Rendal getting on? Captain Holditch, skipper of the Carnatic, put this question next morning to the doctor, and was somewhat surprised by the answer. 'Oh, Rendal's all right. That is to say, he will be all right. Just now he's suffering from shock.

The Old Man says you may get off as soon as we're docked, and stay home till you've recovered. I dare say it won't be long before you feel better, he wound up, with a glance at the suit-case. 'The Old Man? Yes yes Captain Holditch, of course, muttered Dick from his berth. The doctor looked at him narrowly for a moment; but, when he spoke again, kept by intention the same easy rattling tone.