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"The man is not born who will do that," replied Martin, lifting his eyebrows, twiddling his thumbs, and hitching up his trousers with great dignity.

He ended by hitching a vicious-looking sorrel to a gay, duck-bellied cutter, saying, as he gave up the reins: "Now, be keerful. Dan's foxy; he's all right when he sees you've got the reins, but don't drop 'em." "Don't you worry about me; I grew up with horses," said the over-confident youth, leaping into the sleigh and gathering up the lines. "Stand aside, my lord, and let the cortége pass.

"Stand to!" from the Q.M. and they came running from their tents, not waiting to take even a blanket, throwing in their equipment as fast as they could, trotting their horses over to the ammunition trucks and hitching them up. "Stand to your horses! Prepare to mount!

Then he remembered what in his stress he had forgotten the opening or perhaps one should say the closing was at the back. He twisted his arms rearward, his fingers groping along his spine. Now any normal woman has the abnormal ability to do and then to undo a garment hitching behind.

The glare of the crystal white earth was dazzling to a degree, and the hungry-looking trapper stood blinking in the light. His pistol was concealed behind him. The sleigh was before the door. Rainy-Moon stood on the far side of the path in the act of hitching the dogs up.

She knew something was hatching in that Satan's nest of iniquity that would result in an outbreak of defiance, but what form it would take, and when, she could not determine, although friends tried to sound for her the bottom of this pit. Morgan knew it; all the scheme was as plain to him as the line of hitching racks around the square.

"They have come hither to swear allegiance to thee." "It is even so, O Master," exclaimed one of the men, hitching his rich cloak of gold-coloured silk more closely around his shoulders. "We have met and resolved to ask thee to defy the sentence of banishment that the Naya hath imposed upon thee." "Already have I decided so to do," Omar answered. "Have I the support of thy people, O Niaro?"

I had been looking for something like a hitching post sticking up out of the water. Now my last vestige of pleasure and confidence was gone. I went almost mad trying to watch all the gulls at once. "What will you do if you see a submarine? "Run it down," said the captain calmly. "That's the only chance we've got. That is, if we see the boat itself.

When Jerome opened the door he saw his mother hitching herself rapidly back and forth in a fashion she had when excited. He had seen her do so before, a few times. When she saw Jerome she stopped short and screwed up her face before him as if to receive a blow. She did not ask a question. "I met the team comin' home," said Jerome.

Morgan started out of his thoughtful glooming as if a reviving wind had struck his face, all alert again in a moment, but silent and inscrutable as before. He leaned his brand against the hitching post, recovered his rifle where it lay in the dust beside the scattered sticks of his fire, making himself a little room as he moved about.