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Hi-YAH! Crash, bash, bang! Bash, CHANG! Ready to fling Our gloves in the ring He was unaware of a sensation that passed along the lines of workmen. Their great master had come among them, and they grinned to see him standing with Dr. Gurney behind the unconscious Bibbs. Sheridan nodded to those nearest him he had personal acquaintance with nearly all of them but he kept his attention upon his son.

You will live on a rocky island, where there are no ponies, no women, no food, White Otter. You have no medicine, and the Good God will not protect you. We have come for you hi-ya, hi-ya, hi-yah!" "I have a medicine," replied White Otter. "I have the little brown bat which came from God." "He-eye, he-eye! Where is your little brown bat?

H'yer I goes now, I jes tole her dis yer bressed mornin' dat it tuk a fool fer luck. Hi-yah!" he cried, executing a sommersault, and diving through the crowd he ran away. As he started off, he saw his wife walking along the road toward Nimbus' house by the side of Eliab Hill in his rolling-chair.

School was dismissed for the noon hour. And then, after the lunches had been eaten, Jack Burrows went outside with Billy Coburg. "Hi-yah! Jack and Billy are just going to start down hill on the jumper! Look at 'em show off their steering!" yelled a small boy, and the pupils rushed to the windows and out at the door. The jumper had just started.

"Well, tell 'em as soon as I get the wheels a little greased up and in running order I'll come back with the good things, as I said I would, George W. Lolley. Good-bye." Immediately after a "message" from the spirit of John Morgan, the guerrilla, came one from Charles Talbot, who began as follows with a curious apostrophe to his predecessor: "Hi-yah! old grisly.