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Baptiste and Jawnny looked at the place with the wildest terror, and without even thinking to search the deeply indented opposite edges of the little pool for a reappearance of the tracks, fled back to the party. It was just as Red Dick Humphreys had said; just as they had always heard. Tom, like Hermidas Dubois, appeared to have vanished from existence the moment he stepped on the Windego track!

Old Dan McEachran will make your fortun' for this, and I don't begrudge it. You're a man that's so. If ever I hear any feller saying to the contrayry he's got to lick Red Dick Humphreys." And he told them the particulars of his practical joke in making a Windego track round Madore's shanty. "Hermidas Dubois? oh, he's all right," said Red Dick. "He's at home at St. Agathe.

"That was all nonsense about Dubois. I'll bet it was a joke to scare you all." "Who 's kill a man for a joke?" said Baptiste. "Did you see Hermidas Dubois killed? Did you see him dead? No! I heard all about it. All you know is that he went away on New Year's morning, when the rest of the men were too scared to leave the shanty, because some one said there was a Windego track outside."

Keep off my lan', if you hain't want anoder lesson. "'You's a tief, my fader say. "'Hermidas, make up Narcisse Laroque bill, de old rascal say to his clerk. 'If he hain't pay dat bill to-morrow, I sue him. "So my fader is scare mos' to death. Only my moder she's say, 'I'll pay dat bill, me. "So she's take the money she's saved up long time for make my weddin' when it come.

"Hermidas never come back!" "I'll bet he went away home. You'll find him at Saint Agathe in the spring. You can't be such fools as to believe in Windegos." "Don't you say dat name some more!" yelled Big Baptiste, now fierce with fright. "Hain't I just seen de track? I'm go'n' back, me, if I don't get a copper of pay for de whole winter!"

"Do you mean you have seen a Windego track?" "Monjee, seh, don't say its name! Let us go back," said Jawnny. "Baptiste was at Madores' shanty with us when it took Hermidas Dubois." "Yesseh. That's de way I'll come for know de track soon 's I see it," said Baptiste. "Before den I mos' don' b'lieve dere was any of it. But ain't it take Hermidas Dubois only last New Year's?"

"Dey's bose yell an' yell for make de oder feller scare bad before dey begin. Hermidas Laronde an' Jawnny Leroi dey's hold my fader for fear he's go 'cross de road for keel Frawce Seguin dead. Pierre Seguin an' Magloire Sauve is hold Frawce for fear he's come 'cross de road for keel my fader dead. And dose men fight dat way 'cross de road, till dey hain't hardly able for stand up no more.