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"You just grab a pike pole and get busy!" laughed Mr. Kringle. "Can't get out of work quite so easy as you thought," scoffed Ned. "This is where we make you earn your supper." "I don't have to earn it. Had it already." "There are other meals coming," smiled the Professor. "Now, heo he!"

But when the Normans came they brought a new form of poetry, and gradually rhymes began to take the place of alliteration. Layamon wrote his Brut more than a hundred years after the coming of the Normans, and although his poem is in the main alliterative, sometimes he has rhyming lines such as "mochel dal heo iwesten: mid harmen pen mesten," that is:

And heo nomen Arthur anan And they took Arthur anon And an eovste hine vereden And bore him hurriedly, And softe hine adun leiden, And softly laid him down, And forth gunnen lithen. And forth gan glide. METRICAL ROMANCES. Love, chivalry, and religion, all pervaded by the spirit of romance, these are the three great literary ideals which find expression in the metrical romances.

For instance, the line "wat heo ihoten weoren: and wonene heo comen," the alliteration is on w, and may be translated "what they called were, and whence they came," still keeping the alliteration. Upon these rules of accent and alliteration the strict form of Anglo-Saxon verse was based.