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"Och," said Moya, "I am heart-scalded to have it to tell you, and I know you will laugh at me; but, say what you will, there is something bad over uz, for the banshee was about the house all night, and she has me almost frightened out of my wits with her shouting and bawling."

The divil dang the bit she put in her mouth for two days, first and last. Why wouldn't she eat is it, miss? From the fright sure! She'll do nothing, only standing that way, and bushtin' out sweatin', and watching out all the time the way I wouldn't lave her. I declare to God I'm heart-scalded with her!"

'Och! says Bonypart, 'do you tell me so? says he 'I'm fairly heart-scalded with that same Billy Malowney, says he; 'an' I think if I was wanst shut iv him I'd bate the rest iv them aisy, says he. 'I'm thinking so myself, says the gineral, says he; 'but he's a tough bye, says he. 'Tough! says Bonypart, 'he's the divil, says he.

So she knew right well what ailed him, and she said iverythin' she could think of how it's disthroyed we'd be on'y for him now I was laid up, and the won'erful man he was, and this way and that way. But niver a word he heeded, nor near the fire he wouldn't come, and had her heart-scalded seein' him sittin' there in the draught of the door.

"Wurrah, wurrah! but it's me that's the heart-scalded crathur with that man's four quarters! The Lord may help me and grant me patience with him, any way! to have my little honest, hard-earned penny spint among a pack of vagabonds, that don't care if him and me wor both down the river, so they could get their skinful of drink out of him!

"He says," interpreted William, "there isn't pig nor ass, sheep nor duck, belongin' to him that isn't heart-scalded with the same childhren an' their dog."

"That's falsity; but they know the life I lade wid you. The edge of your tongue's well known. They pity me, for bein' joined to the likes of you. Your bad tongue's all you're good for." "Aren't you afeard to be flyin' in the face o' Providence the way you are? An' to be ladin' me sich a heart-scalded life for no rason?"