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By this time they could just see the schooner's boats in the dim light, about half-musket range astern. "Back you' oars," shouted a stern voice in broken English, "or I blow you out de watter in one oder moment, black-yards!" This order was enforced by a musket shot, which whizzed over the boat within an inch of the captain's head. The men ceased rowing and the boats of the pirate ranged close up.

Thus passed the main body, slowly, but surely. For some hours the garrison poured down grape-shot at half-musket distance upon the French, but at last out of compassion for the inhabitants, the fire slackened, and ere day broke Buonaparte had effected his main purpose.

Not a gun was fired on either side until within half-musket shot, when the red flag was hoisted on both ships. Up to that moment all was silent, and it is scarcely possible to conceive a silence more solemn and impressive! At the same instant, they saw the signal go to the mast-head of Zoutman's ship.

By this time they could just see the schooner's boats in the dim light, about half-musket range astern. "Back you' oars," shouted a stern voice in broken English, "or I blow you out de watter in one oder moment black-yards!" This order was enforced by a musket shot which whizzed over the boat within an inch of the captain's head. The men ceased rowing and the boats of the pirate ranged close up.

We overtook the enemy this afternoon, in position, behind the Coa, at Sabugal, with their advanced posts on our side of the river. I was sent on piquet for the night, and had my sentries within half-musket shot of theirs: it was wet, dark, and stormy when I went, about midnight, to visit them, and I was not a little annoyed to find one missing.

It is true that, by destroying the bridge which connects them, all communication between the two places would be cut off; but the distance from the one to the other being not more than half-musket shot, and the guns of the fort pointing directly down upon the streets and of the city, any attempt to hold out could cause only the destruction of the town, and the unavenged slaughter of its garrison.

You are independent, and nothing can prevent your being happy, if you will it to be so, To these monstrous assertions I only know one parallel, viz: Falstaff's version of his victory over the robbers at Gadshill. The Protector asserts that "the shadow of the Spanish flag should never again darken Lima." It nevertheless passed completely round the city within half-musket shot.

When I returned to General Breckenridge's staff they had advanced half a mile, and were furiously engaged within half-musket range with both small-arms and artillery. About noon General Bowen's brigade Breckenridge's left was forced to fall back for ammunition and to reform, their place being supplied by two regiments of Louisiana troops.

"Thus Gen. Cantarac, with 3,200 men, passed to the southward of Lima within half-musket shot of the protecting army of Peru, composed of 12,000 entered the castles of Callao with a convoy of cattle and provisions, where he refreshed and rested his troops for six days, and then retired on the 15th, taking with him the whole of the vast treasure deposited therein by the Limeños, and leisurely retreating on the north side of Lima."

He still waited, however, until the front rank, led by the most daring of their chiefs, had got within half-musket range. The discharge of one of the swivels was the signal for opening fire. Captain Broderick pulled the trigger, and the next instant his men were blazing away as fast as they could fire and reload.