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Though why he couldn't drive his h'own team, if he'd such an 'ankering for the ribbands, he muttered to Dingee as he got down, 'I'm sure is a perplexity. 'Wanted to drive Missee Hazel, said Dingee, climbing like a cat into the other conveyance, and proceeding to drive Mr. Rollo's man nearly out of his wits. 'You never does sound de gen'lman, Mas' Gotham. Telled you so long ago.

Old John had his say, too, when parting with me at the station: 'I hope you have h'enjoyed your visit, miss, and have had an h'edifying time; the mistress wants some one of her h'own sex to talk to h'on h'occasions, though, h'as I h'often say, she can hold her h'equal with h'any man if she chooses.

She holds herself high, and she's h'impatient like of women folks; but she has a proper respect for me that has been in the family so long, and though it is laughable how she thinks she has me in leading-strings and manages me h'entirely, I h'affords her that pleasure, h'and goes my h'own way. Ah! She's a fine woman, Miss Helen is!

It ees lucky it ain't you h'own man as lie dere an' you haf to see heem like dat. It is turriple ting to see. One time Papineau heem get h'awful seek, an' I watch him five no, six day and de nights. An' it vos back in de Grand Nord, no doctor nor noding at all. An' me wid my little Justine jus' two month ole in my h'arms.

All residents here knew Jim Bridger. He sought out the man in charge. "How, Bordeaux?" he began. "Whar's the bourgeois, Papin?" "Down river h'east h'after goods." The trader, hands on his little counter, nodded to his shelves. "Nada!" he said in his polyglot speech. "Hi'll not got a damned thing lef'. How many loads you'll got for your h'own post, Jeem?" "Eight wagons. Iron, flour and bacon."