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We will meet the ladies for tea on the terrace." Harley and I walked out into the garden together, our courteous host standing in the open window, and bowing in that exaggerated fashion which in another might have been ridiculous but which was possible in Colonel Menendez, because of the peculiar grace of deportment which was his.

If you were in my place, you would feel " "I could not possibly be in your place." "If your Grace were in my place you would feel that as long as you were assured by the young lady that your affection was valued by her you would not be deterred by the opposition of her father.

Howbeit, her Grace motioned to him not to heed her. So to his first question she replied rather snappishly, "You have your answer already." No wonder the priest grew black with rage. But seeing a book lying open on a little table beside her bed, and thinking it was the catechism of Dr. Gerschovius which she had been studying, he stepped over to look.

We, therefore, only adopt the conclusion, and attempt a leading thread of the story. Grace is the daughter of a village schoolmaster. She loves "not wisely, but too well," "Joseph Huntley, the handsomest youth in the retired village of Craythorpe." The father consents to their union.

Fortunately, says the missionary chronicle, the Christians had their arms with them, and after prayers and exhortations by the clergy, Pomaré led his cohorts, men and women; and by the grace of God and the whites, with a few muskets, they smote the devil-worshipers hip and thigh, and chased them to the distant valleys.

Presently, discovering his retreat, he hailed him as he remembered it thus: "'And are you there, you sinner d d, And do you fare so well! Were it not for redeeming grace You'd long since been in hell."

If it be true, as women themselves have declared, that one of their sex is never so much inclined to throw in her lot with a man for good and all as five minutes after she has told him such a thing cannot be, the probabilities are that something might have been done by the appearance of Winterborne on the ground beside Grace.

For unconsciously I had thus again been led, in some measure, to trust in an arm of flesh; going to man, instead of going to the Lord at once. To come to this conclusion before God, required more grace than to give up my salary.

They knew if they didn't come back that you would know enough to come home, or they may have planned to return to you later." "What had we better do?" asked Grace. "Get back to Edgemere as soon as we can," was Allen's opinion. "We'll probably find them waiting for us." They piled into the motor boat, and used all speed in getting back.

A fine day for us this holyday morning; my Grace is gone to early prayers, so your honour will be content with an old woman to make your tea.