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Indeed, Miss Andrews should have had a collection of wonderfully good biographical papers handed in by her class on that Monday morning. But Tess's was not all that might be desired as a sketch of George Washington's life, and the teacher told her so. Still, she did better with her subject than Sadie Goronofsky did with hers.

"Why, Sadie Goronofsky says maybe she'll buy something to hang on the tree. She is going to have a lot of money saved by Christmas time," declared Tess. "Why, Tess," said Agnes, "isn't Sadie Goronofsky Mrs. Goronofsky's little girl that lives in one of our tenements on Meadow Street?" "No. She's Mister Goronofsky's little girl. The lady Mr. Goronofsky married is only Sadie's step-mother.

Goronofsky, who was a worn, tired out little woman, proved to have some heart left for her step-daughter, after all; "the kids" were made delighted by the presents Sadie was enabled to bring them; and Ruth went around to Mr. Goronofsky's shop and presented him with a receipted bill for his house rent for December.

"She ain't a 'Merican like what I am, that goes to school an' learns from books." In the end, between the ministrations of the Corner House girls and Mrs. Kranz, the whole Goronofsky family was made happy. Sadie promised to help her mamma without being bribed to do so; Mrs.

Goronofsky has a little tailor business, and that's all," Ruth said, gravely. "I I sha'n't tell Mr. Howbridge about Sadie and her bank." Thanksgiving came and went and it was a real Thanksgiving for the Corner House girls. They had never had such a fine time on that national festival before, although they were all alone just the regular family at the table.

They had just sallied forth for their first visit when, out of the Stower tenement in which the Goronofskys lived, boiled a crowd of shrieking, excited children. Sadie Goronofsky was at their head and a man in a blue suit and the lettered cap of a gas collector seemed the rallying point of the entire savage little gang.