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'What! has the plague been gleaning among the little brood down there? 'The plague! repeated Conrad, bringing his truck to a stand. 'Well, yes, something like it. Now-a-days the soldiers are the worst plague, and it was one of them that put an end to the miller's little son. 'What do you mean by that, boy?

Gryce, with his floating white locks falling about his bland cherubic face, his mild blue eyes with their trick of turning red on small provocation, and his lisping manner of speech, ingenuous, interrogatory, and knowing nothing when interrogated in his turn somehow gleaning full ears wherever he passed, and dropping not even a solitary stalk of straw in return.

Once each month he spent three days in the village where the company maintains its field headquarters. Here he played tennis and bridge with other girdlers young Englishmen like himself who had come in from their respective districts to make their monthly reports and in gleaning from the eight-weeks-old newspapers the news of that great outside world from which he was a voluntary exile.

"My Muse," he said, "with its glorious branch of gold, little dreamt of gleaning anything more from Toulouse; but Toulouse has again invited me to this day's festival, and I feel more happy than a king, because my poem is enthroned in the midst of the Capitol. Your hands have applauded me throughout, and you have concluded by throwing this crown of flowers at my feet."

Pasturage for the cows and the abuses of gleaning were established as customs little by little.

I have never seen the harvesting done on fresh plants. In this way, the Bee avoids mildew, which would make its appearance in a mass of hairs still filled with sap. Faithful to the plant recognized as yielding good results, the Anthidium arrives and resumes her gleaning on the edges of the parts denuded by earlier harvests.

In the autumn Jasmin went gleaning in the cornfields, for it was his greatest pleasure to bring home some additional help for the family needs. In September came the vintage the gathering in and pressing of the grapes previous to their manufacture into wine. The boy was able, with his handy helpfulness, to add a little more money to the home store. Winter followed, and the weather became colder.

When the harvest began the count went himself to Michaud to see how things were going on. Groison, who advised him to do this, was to be present himself at the gleaning of each particular field.

For his new plot against stagnation along the Spanish Main required of him a voyage overseas. Soon came the Karlsefin again she of the trampish habits gleaning a cargo of cocoanuts for a speculative descent upon the New York market. Keogh was booked for a passage on the return trip.

As I raised the glass to my lips, I glanced across its brim, and again the same depression of the slender figure the same expression and mixture of fixed seriousness! Now, then, I at last had a certainty of gleaning some tidings of her. I saw Maberly standing by her side, and, the next morning, I questioned him closely, but warily, upon the subject.