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Notice also the village blacksmith, who, with primitive tools, hammers out those curiously shaped "dahs" and knives used by the wood-cutters, while beside him, with equally simple implements, the carpenter puts the finishing touches to the carved yoke of a gharry. In the streets the naked youngsters are playing at their games.

The night was starry and clear; the little custom-house building was shut up, and as the gharry that brought him down disappeared up the long avenue of dusty trees leading to the town, Lingard thought himself alone on the quay. He roused up his sleeping boat-crew and stood waiting for them to get ready, when he felt a tug at his coat and a thin voice said, very distinctly "English captain."

A gharry a close carriage on four wheels with a dirty-looking driver and a tiny pony now conveyed, or rather set forth to convey, the traveller to the hospitable house of a certain distinguished general who resides in Singapore. Singapore is a city in which it is notoriously difficult to find one's way about, as all the roads seem alike they are all excellent and so do the houses.

We explored together on that afternoon an infinity of infamous grog shops, gambling dens, opium dens. We walked up narrow lanes where our gharry a tiny box of a thing on wheels, attached to a jibbing Burmah pony could by no means have passed.

Hilda, when its door closed upon the purple vision of her, might have been a modern Cinderella in mid-stage of backward transformation. "I could chaperone you all!" she cried gaily back at them, as she passed down the steps; and in the relief of the general exclamation it seemed reasonable enough that Stephen Arnold should lean into the gharry to see that she was quite comfortable.

We got out of the gharry and clambered into dwellings airy like packing crates, or descended into places sinister like cellars. We got in, we drove on, we got out again for the sole purpose, as it seemed, of looking behind a heap of rubble. The sun declined; my companion was curt and sardonic in his answers, but it appears we were just missing Johnson all along.

I was then living in a chummery in Circular Road, Ballygunge, and the entrance from Lower Circular Road, Calcutta, was so blocked up with fallen trees and other debris that I found it impossible to make headway against it in my gharry, so I sent it back to the office and walked to the house, or rather scrambled over trees and other obstacles the best way I could.

The sandy shore slopes up some thirty feet to the bundar, and over that we see palms and trees. Up and along the sandy shore we drove in a gharry, a man on either side to prevent it upsetting in the ruts, and if it had not been for the honour of the thing I would as soon have walked! On the top of the bundar we struck a macadamised road and rattled gaily along to see the town.

The driver of the gharry lost his head and his seat simultaneously, the vehicle overturned and pinned the unfortunate occupant underneath, and the escort surrendered hurriedly several times over.

The ladies drove in a bullock cart, the writer walked behind the sand and track were too rough for The Bhamo gharry, and truly we considered our cart was more picturesque and comfortable.