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Now when Barkan heard Gharib's words, he said, "This is he who seduced my cousin from his religion; so, by the virtue of my faith, I will not sit down on my throne till I have decapitated this Gharib and suppressed his breath of life and forced my cousin and his people back to their belief: and whoso baulketh me, him will I destroy."

Then the servants set food and strong wine before them! and they ate and drank, till Gharib's wits were dazed by the drink. By and by, he went out to obey a call of Nature and would have returned, but lost his way and entered the palace of Fakhr Taj. When she saw him, her reason fled and she cried out to her women saying, "Go forth from me to your own places!"

So he kissed Gharib's hand and thanked him, and they rested till the end of the day, when they set out for King Sabur's capital. Meanwhile, the fugitives of the defeated force reached Isbanir and went in to Sabur, crying out and saying, "Alas!" and "Well-away!" and "Woe worth the day!" Quoth he, "What hath befallen you and who with his mischief hath smitten you?"

So they held their hands from the battle and dismounted; and their elders assembled and held counsel together, seeking to go to Gharib and saying, "Let ten of us repair to him!" So they chose out ten of their best, who set out for Gharib's tents. Now he and his people had alighted and returned to their camp, marvelling at the withdrawal of the Infidels from the fight.

So they withdrew and she rose and kissed Gharib's hand, saying "Welcome to my lord, who delivered me from the Ghul! Indeed I am shine handmaid for ever and ever." Then she drew him to her bed and embraced him, whereupon desire was hot upon him and he broke her seal and lay with her till the morning.

So Gharib and Sahim and their hundred horse rushed upon the foe, and Gharib's wrath redoubled, and he reaped a harvest of heads slain, giving the champions death-cup to drain, till he won to Al-Hamal and saw Mahdiyah among the captives.

Meanwhile the King thought that he had departed; but on the morrow he went in to him and Sabur rose to him and made him sit by his side. Then entered the tributary kings and kissing the ground stood ranged in rows on the right and left and fell to talking of Gharib's velour and saying, "Extolled be He who gave him such prowess albeit he is so young in years!"

Now the cause of this was that, ten days after his nephew King Al-Damigh, Gharib's uncle, had set out from Al-Jazirah, with twenty-thousand horse, and on nearing the field of battle, had despatched one of his scouts to get news. The man was absent a whole day, at the end of which time he returned and told Al-Damigh all that had happened to Gharib with his brother.

Have ruth on thyself and say with me, 'There is no god but the God and Abraham is the Friend of God! " When Ajib heard Gharib's words, he sparked and snorted and railed at his god, the stone, and called for the sworder and the leather rug of blood but his Wazir, who was at heart a Moslem though outwardly a Miscreant, rose and kissing ground before him, said, "Patience, O King, deal not hastily, but wait till we know the conquered from the conqueror.

Then the two Jinns returned and said to them, "O host of the Moslems, your lord King Gharib and his brother Sahim salute you; they are the guests of Mura'ash, King of the Jann, and will be with you anon " When Gharib's men heard that he was safe and well, they joyed with exceeding joy and said to the Marids, "Allah gladden you twain with good news, O noble spirits!"