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To say that Gignoux were deep in the councils of the expedition, that he held a commission from Citizen Genet, I realize will have no weight with your Excellency, provided the man is in the secret service of his Majesty the King of Spain." "Mr. Ritchie," said the Baron, "you are a young man and I an old one.

The citizen Genet, a gentleman of considerable talents, and of an ardent temper, was selected for this purpose. The letters he brought to the executive of the United States, and his instructions, which he occasionally communicated, were, in a high degree, flattering to the nation, and decently respectful to its government. But Mr.

Louis and upper Louisiana if he was provided with the means to obtain provisions and stores. Clark further informed Genet that his country had been utterly ungrateful to him, and that as soon as he received Genet's approbation of what he proposed to do he would get himself "expatriated." Clark Commissioned as a French Major General.

On the fifth of December, according to promise, Washington laid before Congress the documents relating, not only to Genet and his mission, but to negotiations with England and other European governments.

A few months before France declared war upon England, February 1, 1793, Edmond Genet was appointed French Minister to the United States. He landed at Charleston, April 8, and at once began activities so authoritative as to amount to an erection of French sovereignty in the United States.

The ex-minister was accused of having neglected forty despatches from M. Genet, the charge d'affaires from France in Russia, not having even unsealed them, because M. Genet acted on constitutional principles. M. de Montmorin appeared at the bar to answer this accusation.

Having once laid down that line of conduct, which both gratitude and policy pointed out as most proper to be pursued, not all the insults and provocations of the French minister, Genet, could turn him from his purpose. Intrusted with the welfare of a great people, he did not allow the misconduct of another with respect to himself, for one moment, to withdraw his attention from their interest.

Genet had employed, he was informed that the subjects on which his letter treated had, from respect to him, been reconsidered by the executive; but that no cause was perceived for changing the system which had been adopted.

At Philadelphia, for instance, the city which already was beginning to have a reputation for spinster propriety which became its boast in the next century, we hear that "... before Genêt had presented his credentials and been acknowledged by the President, he was invited to a grand republican dinner, 'at which, we are told, 'the company united in singing the Marseillaise Hymn.

That I am come now home to fight for Louisiane, as Monsieur Genet will tell you whom I saw in Philadelphe." "The Citizen Capitaine he spiks true." All eyes were turned towards Gignoux, who had been sitting back in his chair, very quiet. "It is true what he say," he repeated, "I have it by Monsieur Genet himself."