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Orville Jones commented, "And, then take our other advantages the movies, frinstance. These Yapville sports think they're all-get-out if they have one change of bill a week, where here in the city you got your choice of a dozen diff'rent movies any evening you want to name!"

And just look at collars, frinstance " "Hey! Wait!" the fat man protested. "What's the matter with collars? I'm selling collars! D' you realize the cost of labor on collars is still two hundred and seven per cent. above " They voted that if their old friend the fat man sold collars, then the price of collars was exactly what it should be; but all other clothing was tragically too expensive.

"Well, I don't know," said Cal Davidson; "every fellow plays his own system. There's something in what you say about women having a good poker face so far as tellin' what they think about a man is concerned yes. Frinstance, how much did Helena know I knew, or know you knew or thought you knew well, you get me?

Frinstance, he might get the papers to Course I haven't got a literary training like Frink here, and I'm just guessing how the pieces ought to be written, but take frinstance, suppose the week's lesson is about Jacob; well, the press-agent might get in something that would have a fine moral, and yet with a trick headline that'd get folks to read it say like: 'Jake Fools the Old Man; Makes Getaway with Girl and Bankroll. See how I mean?

Blewitt's, and me and we knew what our masters was about as well as thay did theirselfs. Frinstance, I can say this for MYSELF, there wasn't a paper in Deuceace's desk or drawer, not a bill, a note, or mimerandum, which I hadn't read as well as he: with Blewitt's it was the same me and his young man used to read 'em all.

Oh, the G. C. L. has to have some other ostensible purposes frinstance here in Zenith I think it ought to support the park-extension project and the City Planning Committee and then, too, it should have a social aspect, being made up of the best people have dances and so on, especially as one of the best ways it can put the kibosh on cranks is to apply this social boycott business to folks big enough so you can't reach 'em otherwise.

"Well, it was like this: Course Seneca Doane is a friend of mine they can say what they want to, they can call him anything they please, but what most folks here don't know is that Senny is the bosom pal of some of the biggest statesmen in the world Lord Wycombe, frinstance you know, this big British nobleman.