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I'm glad she's goin' to 'ave a friend to stay with 'er, that'll do 'er good and 'earten her up an' mebbe the friend'll want to go to church, an' Miss Maryllia 'ull go with her, an' once they listens to Passon 'twill be all right, for 'is voice do draw you up into a little bit o' heaven somehow, whether ye likes it or not, an' if Miss Maryllia once 'ears 'im, she'll be wanting to 'ear 'im again so it's best to leave it all in the Lord's 'ands which makes the hill straight an' the valleys crooked, an' knows what's good for both man and beast.

The men turned round and eyed him with interest. Then the man called Joe called back to the storekeeper. "My name's Joe Manton," he said, by way of introduction. "An' my friend's called Sim Longley. Say," he went on, with a backward jerk of the head, "mebbe your friend'll take something?" Minky glanced over at Wild Bill. The gambler drowsily opened his eyes and bestirred himself.

But it just takes my breath away to think of what Sobrante will be, some time, if that 'find' in the canyon turns out what we imagine. Why but there! No use talking. Wait and see. How long you think before you get an answer back from the town, tellin' what your friend'll do?" "Oh! I expect Marty will bring that answer. He's to wait an hour or two, you know, and give a chance.

"May God help me to redeem my past," answered the other, in a new voice. "You've got it sure?" Tim's voice was meditative. "God has spoken to me," was the simple answer. "I've got a friend'll be glad to hear that," he said; and once more, in imagination, he saw Laura Sloly standing at the door of her home, with a light in her eyes he had never seen before.