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A useless, thundering, four-pounder gun, of which terrible implements of war we carried six, came plunging across from the other side of the deck, and went crashing through the bulwarks, out into the sea, within two feet of my legs. "I think," I said, trying to persuade myself that I was not frightened, "I think I shall go into the cuddy." That was not very easy to do.

To show them therefore that they were still in our power, though very much beyond the reach of any missile weapon with which they were acquainted, I gave the ship a yaw, and fired a four-pounder so as to pass near them.

"I'm not going to speechify to any cursed murderers," the old sailor said, with a sense of authority which made him use mild language; "but take heed of one thing, I'll blow you all to pieces with this here four-pounder, without you strikes peremptory." The brilliance of the blue-lights filled the cavern, throwing out everybody's attitude and features, especially those of the dead lieutenant.

However, there was not an instant to be lost; already the plunging fire of the four-pounder had swept through our files, and every moment increased our danger. "Once more, my lads, forward!" cried out our gallant leader, Sir Charles Stewart, as waving his sabre, he dashed into the thickest of the fray. So sudden was our charge that we were upon them before they were prepared.

"First to thee, Nalik; but biggest to the rebelli"* cried old Sru, as with some difficulty for my rod was too slight for such a fish I landed a lovely four-pounder on the grass. * White man. Nalik laughed again, and before I had cleared my hook from the jaw of my prize he had taken another and then a third, catching each one in his left hand with incredible swiftness and throwing them to the boy.

A few muskets fired in the air had no effect; but a four-pounder frightened them so much, that they quitted their canoes that instant, and took to the water. But as soon as they found themselves unhurt, they got again into their canoes, gave us some halloos, flourished their weapons, and returned once more to the buoys.

The few National Guards who remained at their post were men of courage, for they showed no signs of flinching even when shells exploded within a few yards of the position they occupied. Presently there was a sound of wheels, and two four-pounder guns were brought up and placed one on each side of the gate to sweep the approaches.

It has been contended by some ichthyologists that the black bass does not eat its own kind, but the spectacle which I recently beheld of a four-pounder, defunct and floating on the water, with the tail and half the body of a ten-ounce bass sticking out of his distended mouth, affords but inadequate confirmation of their views.

"Willis!" he cried to the Pilot, whom they were now leading off in triumph, "let us try the effects of our rifles on this rabble; you jump over the heads of your worshippers, and we will charge through them to shore. I will shoot the first man that pursues us, and signal Fritz to discharge the four-pounder amongst them."

"Took half my leader and my pet fly I got him with a peacock-bodied gray hackle that I revised to suit my own notions and, by the great immortal Jehosaphat, he looked like a whale when he jumped up clear of the riffle, turned over, and " His flabby, white hand made a soaring movement to indicate the manner in which the four-pounder had vanished.