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As soon as that everlasting Being was engaged in meditation for the re-creation of the Universe, a lotus flower instantaneously came into existence from his navel, and the four-faced Brahma came out of that navel-lotus. And these in their turn observing the same thing, completed the creation, by creating Yakshas, Rakshas, Pisachas, reptiles, men, and all mobile and immobile creatures.

And they chose from among them Bhrigu, and sent him away, to put the gods to the test. So Bhrigu went accordingly, and after a while, he fell in with Brahma. And drawing near that four-faced god, he neither saluted him, nor performed a pradakshina, but went up without ceremony and accosted him, with rude familiarity.

While the four-faced Brahma of great intelligence was seated there, his son Mahadeva, who had sprung from his forehead encountered him one day in course of his wanderings through the universe. In days of yore, the Three-eyed Siva endued with puissance and high Yoga, while proceeding along the sky, beheld Brahma seated on that mountain and, therefore, dropped down quickly on its top.

They gazed out of the window toward the great white tower toward which hundreds of thousands of eyes were turned daily the tower, four-faced but faithful. "McChesney, do you know why you fell down on that Athena account?" "Because I'm an idiot," blurted Jock. "Because I'm a double-barreled, corn-fed, hand-picked chump and " "That's one reason," drawled the Old Man grimly.

The doubt here presents itself whether the highest Person in this text be the so-called four-faced Brahma, the Lord of the mundane egg who represents the individual souls in their collective aspect, or the supreme Person who is the Lord of all. The Purvapakshin maintains the former view.

On each of the four larger faces is a colossal figure of Buddha, which overlooks from its eminence the surrounding country. This combination of four Buddhas occurs frequently among the ruins of Cambodia. A four-faced god of majestic proportions presides over the principal entrance to the temple, and is called Bhrama, or, by corruption, Phram, signifying divine protection.

As soon as that everlasting Being was engaged in meditation for the re-creation of the Universe, a lotus flower instantaneously came into existence from his navel, and the four-faced Brahma came out of that navel-lotus. And these in their turn observing the same thing, completed the creation, by creating Yakshas, Rakshas, Pisachas, reptiles, men, and all mobile and immobile creatures.

Perhaps the surface of the red brick, long unpainted, had scaled off a little more here and there. There might have been a slight accretion of the moss and lichen on the shingled roof. But the tall tower, with its four-faced clock, rose as majestically and uncompromisingly as though the land had never been subjugated.

There I lie asleep in every Kalpa, and as I am sleeping there springs from my navel a lotus, and in that lotus there is born the Four-faced one, and I tell him "Do thou, Great-minded one, create all beings." Here terminates the adhikarana of 'the deities. So far it has been proved that also the gods, and so on, are qualified for the knowledge of Brahman.

When such dire omens appeared everywhere, O son of Pandu, Brahma surrounded by all the deities and the high-souled Rishis, soon arrived at that spot where the battle was raging. The four-faced Brahma, capable of being understood with the aid of only the Niruktas, joined his hands and addressing Rudra, said, 'Let good happen to the three worlds.

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