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Hu: The constitutional government of the Manchu Dynasty was one in name only, and as such the forerunner of the revolution of 1911. Towards the end of the Manchu Dynasty, the talk of starting a revolution to overthrow the imperial regime was in everybody's mouth, although the constitutional party endeavoured to accomplish something really useful.

That a book of this character will, like its forerunner "Lourdes," provoke considerable controversy is certain, but comment or rejoinder may well be postponed until that controversy has arisen.

The same purple curtain can be seen on the Cotswolds above Broadway, and is likewise the forerunner of floods in the Vale: "When you see the rain on the hills You'll shortly find it down by the mills." There is, too, the beautiful blue hazy distance one sees in very fine weather, which gives a feeling of mystery and remoteness and unexplored possibilities.

Lady Mary's forte perhaps in direct following of her great forerunner and part namesake, Marie de Sévigné, though she spoke inadvisedly of her lies in description of places and manners, and in literary criticism.

There is a persistency in repetition that foreshadows the Chopin of the later, sadder years. The figure in the left hand is the first in which a prominent part is given to that member. Not as noble and sonorous a figure as the one in the C minor study, it is a distinct forerunner of the bass of the D minor Prelude. In this F minor study the stretch is the technical object.

In 1840 he devised a magnetic clock and proposed a plan by which many clocks, located at different points, could be set at regular intervals with the aid of electricity. Such a system was the forerunner of the electrically wound and regulated clocks with which we are now so familiar. He also devised a method for measuring the resistance which wires offer to the passage of an electric current.

Nor has he any report of the precious conversation of Jesus with John, when the forerunner testified to Christ's purity, which needed no washing nor repentance, and acknowledged at once his own sinfulness and the Lord's cleansing power, and when Christ accepted the homage, and, by implication, claimed the character, purity, and power which John attributed to Him.

This little matter was the forerunner of others, and by little and little I steadily went on, earning a few shillings now and a few shillings then, but, best of all, becoming known little by little here and there.

That boasting is too often a forerunner of downfall. Let us walk humbly and softly. We have a great tempter; and, in an unguarded hour, we may stumble and fall and bring a scandal on Christ. The next step in Peter's downfall was that he went to sleep. If Satan can rock the Church to sleep he does his work through God's own people.

There was no need for his caution; for the very mention of her name roused the whole party into a fury of execration. 'May God confound her, siren, enchantress, dealer in spells and sorceress! She is the strange woman of whom Solomon prophesied. 'It is my opinion, said another, 'that she is the forerunner of Antichrist.