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Pomp took the oar and began to row again steadily, staring back at the sandspit, now fast growing distant. Then all at once, as the faint cry arose from the forest "Dat not Injum," he cried sharply; "dat fock." "Fox!" I said, recalling the little jackal-like creatures, of which I had seen one or two that had been shot by Morgan. "Yes, dat fock.

He stroked the satin head, and said in his gentlest voice, 'How do you do, Lizzie? will you give me a kiss? She put up her little bud of a mouth, and then retreating a little and glancing down at her frock, said, 'Dit id my noo fock. I put it on 'tod you wad toming. Tally taid you wouldn't 'ook at it. 'Hush, hush, Lizzie, little gells must be seen and not heard, said Mrs.

"You've dot your best muslin fock on, da'ling, an it'll be spoiled; but I don't care for zat. Now, say your pays, Doan." With this admonitory remark, Flo screwed up a piece of paper, went to the fireplace, made a very long arm through the fender, and lighted it. Next moment she applied the flame to the faggots, which blazed up with surprising rapidity.

"Yes, father," I panted. "The Indians they are coming on." "No," said Pomp sharply, and he struck his hand on the side of the boat to emphasise his words. "Mass' George hear de fock lose him lil self an holler, and he only tink it de Ah, look! Look, Mass' George, look! Who dat?"

Um shout like dat to noder fock in um wood when um lose umself." "Yes, but that would be at night," I said, wondering whether he was right. "'Pose um lose umself in de day. Make um cry?" "No," I said, thoughtfully. "It is like the cry of the fox, Pomp, but I think it's the Indians making it." "Why Injum cry out like fock when um can cry like Injum?" "To deceive any one who hears them."

It was getting toward evening, and a rich orange glow was beginning to glorify the long reach of the river down which we were rowing sluggishly now, for we were both tired out when it struck me that I had not heard the cry for some time now, and I made the remark to Pomp. "No; fock gone asleep now till de moon get up. Den fock get up too, an' holler."