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John Waterman, a resident of Fishertown, near Salisbury, England, who gave birth to a double female monster on October 26, 1664, which evidently from the description was joined by the ischii. It did not nurse, but took food by both the mouths; all its actions were done in concert; it was possessed of one set of genitourinary organs; it only lived a short while.

If it was not what we had expected, still here it was, tangible land that never had been known, wonderful to us, giving us already rich narrative for Palos and Huelva and Fishertown, for Cordova and the Queen and King. We were sure now that other land was to be met, so soon as we sailed a reasonable distance to meet it.

What the Santa Maria wanted was reassurance, general and large, stretching from the Canaries to India and Cathay and back again. He knew that, and after no great time spent with compass needle and circularly traveling polar star, he began to talk gold and estate, and the pearls and silk and spices they would surely take for gifts to their family and neighbors, Palos or Huelva or Fishertown!

"And what if you did that and it took so long that you come back to Fishertown old and bald and driveling, and your wife is dead and all the neighbors! Much good you'd have from knowing it was round!" "When you got right underfoot wouldn't you fall; that's what I want to know?" "Fall! Fall where?" "Into the sky! My God, it's deep!

Who so courteous as Don Nicholas, saving only Don Cristoval? Juan Lepe found certain ones and his own eyes to tell him of island fortunes. Here was Sancho, a bearded man, and yet looked out the youth who had walked from Fishertown to Palos strand. "Oh, aye! San Domingo's growing! It's to be as great as Seville, with cathedral and fortress and palace.

One of the rowers, and that was Sancho with whom I had walked on the Fishertown road, first saw me and gave a startled cry. All in the boat turned head. I heard the Admiral's voice, "Aye, it is! It is!" Boat touched sand, there was landing. All sprang out. The Admiral took me in his arms. "You alone one only?" I answered, "One only. The most died in their duty." He released me.

It would undoubtedly be a glory to tell those tales to a listening, fascinated Fishertown! Juan Lepe said, "For months I've been with a trader running from San Lucar to Marseilles. I've had no news this long while! What's doing at Palos?"

Your grandchildren's grandchildren shall say, 'The Santa Maria, the Pinta and the Nina and one that was our ancestor sailed in this one or in that one, to the glory and gain of the world, wherefore we still make festival of his birthday!" At this they stirred, whether from Palos or Huelva or Fishertown. They looked at him now as though indeed he were great mage, or even apostle.