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"Uncle gave me this banner stone as the wage of my summer's work with him, and I thought myself overpaid at the time." "But what did you do?" asked both children at once. "Everything, from knocking out the crude flakes with a stone hammer to shaping points with a fire-hardened tip of deer's horn.

They are chiefly used in defending houses from attack, a store of them being kept in the house. For the defence of a house against an expected attack, short sharp stakes of split bamboo are thrust slantingly into the ground, so as to present the fire-hardened tip towards the feet of the oncoming foe.

When the impress was made on the soft clay to be fire-hardened, each writer felt or hoped in the long ages in the far-off unknown, "When time is old and hath forgot itself, When water drops have worn the streets of Troy And blind oblivion swallowed cities up, And mighty States, characterless, are grated To dusty nothing"

He looked at his healing thigh; and suddenly the reeds began whispering, and ceased and whispered again, and coming cautiously along the track, bending down and holding his fire-hardened stabbing-stick of ash in his hand, appeared Siss. He stopped dead, and his eyes met Ugh-lomi's. Ugh-lomi forgot he had a wounded leg. He stood firmly on both feet. Something trickled.

There were martens and zerboas, and marmots and hedgehogs and badgers, all good to eat and attainable to those who could dig as could these brawny youths. The game once driven to its hole, the clamshell and the sharpened fire-hardened spade-stick were brought into use and the fate of the animal sought was rarely long in doubt.

Pursued by two very active young men armed with fire-hardened spears, tottering along with incredible swiftness on his two spindle legs, Kwaque had fallen exhausted at Daughtry's feet and looked up at him with the beseeching eyes of a deer fleeing from the hounds.

Behind a screen of faded blankets the warriors of the camp were adorning themselves with white clay and feathers and long, shaggy beards of bark, while the leader of the orchestra began to tune his boomerang and fire-hardened sticks, and his attendants to squat ready to drum on thighs and lap with hollowed hand in time with his refrain and clicking music.