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She was sitting on my bed, kimonoed, slippered, and braided. And now she looked at me with a suddenly quivering chin. "Alicia," said I, "ever since I discovered that there's no mistake about that lawyer's letter that Hynds House is unaccountably, but undoubtedly mine and I've got to live in it if I want to keep it it has been borne in upon me that you are just about the worst file-clerk on earth.

Since I took down those bill-boards, actually the price of that Lafayette Street lot has gone down. Nobody seems anxious to buy it any more." "Change your mind about selling it; hint that you're considering an ice-cream parlor and a movie theater," said the girl who'd been the worst file-clerk.

I who was confidential secretary to the Head, looked at the girl who was admittedly the worst file-clerk on record; and she looked back at me, nodding her bright head with young wisdom. "I hope," she said, wistfully, "that there'll be all sorts of lovely things in your house, Sophy, old mirrors, old books, old pictures, old furniture, old china. Lord send you'll find an attic!

The Westmacotes were delighted with Alicia. The Head had noticed her just about as much as a Head notices a pale file-clerk in a white shirt-waist and a black skirt. This radiant rose-maiden "little Dawn-rose," old Riedriech called her was new to him; and so, I fancy, was a Miss Smith in such a frock as I was wearing.

The nine were Stanley Graff, the outside salesman a youngish man given to cigarettes and the playing of pool; old Mat Penniman, general utility man, collector of rents and salesman of insurance broken, silent, gray; a mystery, reputed to have been a "crack" real-estate man with a firm of his own in haughty Brooklyn; Chester Kirby Laylock, resident salesman out at the Glen Oriole acreage development an enthusiastic person with a silky mustache and much family; Miss Theresa McGoun, the swift and rather pretty stenographer; Miss Wilberta Bannigan, the thick, slow, laborious accountant and file-clerk; and four freelance part-time commission salesmen.