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"After all," she said, as they turned to walk back again across the withered grass, "your fever has taken a good deal out of you." Finally the days of Laura Filbert's sojourn under the Livingstones' roof followed each other into the past that is not much pondered.

"If you're here on private business," he said to Lindsay, fixing his eyes, however, on a point awkwardly to the left of him, "maybe you ain't aware that the Ensign" he threw his head back in the direction of the next room "is the person to apply to. She's in command here. Captain Filbert's only under her." "Indeed?" said Lindsay. "Thanks."

Captain Filbert's confusion was dispelled, as by the wave of a wand. "Then I hope I may go on bringing him," she said. "He couldn't come to a better place." "Well, you'll have to be careful," said Mrs. Sand, as if with severe intent. "But I don't say discourage him; I wouldn't say that. You may be an influence for good. It may be His will that you should be pleasant to the young man.

"After all," she said, as they turned to walk back again across the withered grass, "your fever has taken a good deal out of you." Finally the days of Laura Filbert's sojourn under the Livingstones' roof followed each other into the past that is not much pondered.

And persons unprepared to give satisfaction upon this point one fears there are always many on a ship bound east of Suez found it blighting. They moved their long chairs out of the way, they turned pointedly indifferent backs, the lady who shared Miss Filbert's cabin she belonged to a smart cavalry regiment at Mhow went about saying things with a distinct edge.

"Not forgetting Surgeon-Major and Miss Alicia Livingstone, who occupy the fourth pew to the right of the main aisle, advantageously near the pulpit." "You know already what a humbug she is!" Alicia said, but Captain Filbert's inner eye seemed retained by that imaginary congregation.

Simpson had never wept so much without perceived cause for grief as since Laura arrived, and this alone would testify, such was the gentle paradox of her temperament, how much she enjoyed Miss Filbert's presence.

The five had reached this degree of intimacy by the time the Coromandel was nearing Port Said, and every day the hemispheres of sea and sky they watched through the port-hole above the Norwegian girl's berth grew bluer. From the first Colonel Markin had urged Miss Filbert's immediate return to the Army.

"Ayah!" she exclaimed, but the face that looked confusedly up at her was white, whiter than common, Captain Filbert's face. Alicia drew her hand away and made an imperceptible movement in the direction of her skirts. She stood silent, stricken in the dusk with fear and wonder, but the sense that was strangest in her was plainly that of having made a criminal discovery.

The faintest shade of dogmatism crossed Captain Filbert's features, as when, on a day of cloud fleeces, the sun withdraws for an instant from a flower. Since her sect is proclaimed beyond the boundaries of dogma it may have been some other obscurity, but my appraisement fails. "No, I never go there. We raise our own Ebenezer; we are a tabernacle to ourselves."