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It may appear, I dare say, a harmless aneuch thing to you, guid reader, but, my feth, ca' ye yersel Willie Smith just for ae twelvemonth, an' ye'll find it's nae such joke as ye may think, especially if there be half-a-dizzen o' Willie Smiths leevin in the same street wi' ye; whilk is a' but certain to be the case, gang to where ye like.

Saying this, he flung out of the apartment, and in the next minute was again in the presence of the mysterious stranger. On his entering "Well, Mr Adair," said the latter, "what does your good lady say to my becoming a boarder with her?" "Feth, sir, she's very willin, and says ye may depend on her and her dochter doin everything in their power to make ye comfortable."

Daphne, Berry and I were playing a three-ball match, while Jill and Jonah who had sprained his wrist were walking round with us. Berry is rather good really, but just now he was wearing a patch over one eye, which made him hopeless. It was glorious spring weather on the coast of Devon. A little village is Feth.

They have got scent of prey, and are following it out, with noses as keen and purpose as fell as those of a sleuth-hound. There can be no doubt of it. Hear them; listen to the gentle small talk that is passing between them. Howison loquitur, and wiping his perspiring forehead with his handkerchief: "Feth, Davy, that was a rin; and no to mak him oot after a'. But we'll nail him yet."

On my remarking that I should have thought those articles not quite in his line, he said: "No more ith a man'th grandmother, Mithter Chrithtopher; but if any man will bring hith grandmother here, and offer her at a fair trifle below what the'll feth with good luck when the'th thcoured and turned I'll buy her!"

That lingers with Feth all day, decking: the place gloriously. It is good to be a pet of the sun. So are the gardens of Feth bright with flowers, the white walls dazzling, the stream, that scrambles over brown pebbles to the little bay, merry water. Except for the natives, we had the place to ourselves. But then Feth sees few visitors at any season. Sixteen miles from a station is its salvation.