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"No doubt these are Bedawee robbers," thought the Khoja, "who will kill me without remorse for the sake of the Cadi's ferejeh which I wear." And in much alarm he hastened towards a cemetery which he had perceived to be near. Here he quickly stripped off his clothes, and, having hidden them, crept naked into an empty tomb and lay down.

His ferejeh was half off his back, and I said within myself, 'This valuable ferejeh will certainly be stolen, whilst he to whom it belongs is sleeping the sleep of drunkenness. I will therefore take it and wear it, and when the owner has his senses restored to him, he will be able to see and reclaim it. So I took the ferejeh, and if it be thine, O Cadi, take it!"

Thereupon he called his officers and commanded them, saying: "On whomsoever ye shall see my ferejeh, bring the fellow before me." Meanwhile the Khoja wore it openly, and at last the officers took him and brought him before the Cadi. "O Khoja!" said the Cadi, "how came you by what belongs to me? Where did you find that ferejeh?"

"I am hiding it from the cat," replied the Khoja. "The sort of cat who steals two pennyworth of liver is not likely to spare an axe worth forty pence." Tale 19. The Cadi's Ferejeh. One day a certain Cadi of Sur-Hissar, being very drunk, lay down in a garden and fell asleep.

"It cannot be my ferejeh, of course," said the Cadi hastily; "though there is a similarity which at first deceived me." "Then I will keep it till the man claims it," said the Khoja. And he did so. Tale 20. The Two Pans. One day the Khoja borrowed a big pan of his next-door neighbour. When he had done with it he put a smaller pan inside it, and carried it back. "What is this?" said the neighbour.

The Khoja, having gone out for a walk, passed by the spot and saw the Cadi lying dead drunk and senseless, with his ferejeh or overcoat half off his back. It was a very valuable ferejeh, of rich material, and the Khoja took it and went home remarkably well dressed. When the Cadi recovered his senses he found that his ferejeh was gone.