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'Plaise ye, worshipful masters, he said, being feared of the gateway, 'carn 'e tull whur our Jan Ridd be? 'Hyur a be, ees fai, Jan Ridd, answered a sharp little chap, making game of John Fry's language. 'Zhow un up, then, says John Fry poking his whip through the bars at us; 'Zhow un up, and putt un aowt.

When near Savaii they caught a fai or skate, raised it on the mast and made a sail of it, and from that a son of Vaasiliifiti was called Laifai, or "sail made of the fai." After a time they saw a fish nibbling at the fune or core of a bread-fruit, and from that they called another son of Vaasiliifiti Fune or "core."

"And I who have been such a fa fai faithful wi wi wife, and brought you such a deal of mon mon money, and always stud stud studied your interests; many's the time when you have been fast asleep that I have sat up half the night men men mending the house linen; and you have not been the same man, Roger, since that boy came!"

"As the one who periodically casts up the computations of the sums of money due to those who labour about the earth-yards, it would be strange if the name had so far escaped my notice," replied Fa Fai, with a distance in her voice that the few paces between them very inadequately represented. "Certain details engrave themselves upon the tablets of recollection by their persistence.

While at the Palace in the Forbidden City I met the three Secondary wives of the previous Emperor Tung Chi, son of the Empress Dowager, who, since the death of the Emperor, had resided in the Forbidden City and spent their time in doing needlework, etc., for Her Majesty. When I got to know them I found that they were highly educated, one of them, Yu Fai, being exceptionally clever.

Don't they larn 'ee manners to College?" Tulke gasped and wheeled. Solemnly and conscientiously Mary kissed him twice, and the luckless prefect fled. She stepped into the shop, her eyes full of simple wonder. "Kissed 'un?" said Stalky, handing over the money. "Iss, fai! But, oh, my little body, he'm no Colleger. 'Zeemed tu-minded to cry, like." "Well, we won't.

"Whether it be strictly permissible or not, it is only on like occasions that she ever has the opportunity of descending from the solitary pinnacle referred to," replied Fa Fai, not only with no outward appearance of alarm at being directly addressed by one of a different sex, but even moving nearer to Wei Chang as she spoke.