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In the trouble and anxiety which had latterly clouded her life, she had often been comforted by the thought that at all events there was one warm heart and home open to her, but now all was lost, and her loneliness and friendlessness pressed heavily upon her. Sob after sob shook her whole frame. Essec Powell picked up the letter, and read it again.

"I kiwked at her over the hedge this morning when she was going to Caer Madoc; she's as pretty as an angel. Have you ever seen her, Ser?" "Valmai," said Cardo, prevaricating, "surely that is a new name in this neighbourhood?" "Yes, she is Essec Powell's niece come home from over the sea.

"Had she a red cloak?" asked Cardo. "Yes. She was Essec Powell's niece, and if she tries to come back to-night I wouldn't give much for her life." "Here we part good-bye," said Cardo. "Nos da, Ser," said the woman, but her voice was drowned by the roar of the wind. "It was Valmai! I knew it was! Why did I not take my boat at once?

The candle was lighted, and now he could see into the room. Old Essec Powell sat beside the table with one leg thrown over the other, hands clasped, and chin in the air, lost in the deep interest of the book which his niece was reading. "He looks good for two hours longer," thought Cardo, as he saw the old man's far-away look.

"Like that is the plan of your head?" Madlen murmured, concealing her dread. "Seven of pounds of rent is small. Sell at eighty I must." "Wait for Joseph to prosper. Buy then he will. Buy for your mam you will, Joseph?" "Sorry I cannot change my think," Essec declared. "Hard is my lot; no male have I to ease my burden." "A weighty responsibility my brother put on me," said Essec.

"One of our congregation?" asked the old man. "By Jove! no, father; there isn't one girl under seventy in our congregation!" "A Methodist, then, I suppose one of Essec Powell's lot?" "Yes," said Cardo, beginning to redden; "but surely you wouldn't let a woman be drowned without making an effort to save her because she was a Methodist?"