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Two slop Jars or enamel Buckets with Covers. A two-quart Fountain Syringe; an old one may be substituted provided it has been thoroughly boiled. Three Basins and a one-quart Pitcher of agate or enamel-ware. A Douche-Pan; the "perfection Bed-Pan" is preferable. Should this be too expensive, the best substitute is white table oil-cloth.

"I am proud of my blue and white enamel-ware," Miss Thorne told Bob; "it's so much better than tin or this ugly gray. And that glass pitcher I got with coupons from the coffee packages." "You didn't get these with coupons?" said Bob, lifting one of the massive silver forks. "No," she admitted. "That is my one foolishness. All the rest does not matter, but I can't get along without my silver."

This time she bore back a huge enamel-ware pitcher which she set in the middle of the round table. "There!" she cried, her cheeks red with triumph. "What you got, Amy?" asked her brother. Ross Fletcher leaned forward to look. "Great guns!" he cried. The men jostled around, striving for a glimpse, half in joke, half in genuine curiosity. "Lemonade!" cried Ware.

"And so," ventured the good wife, amiably, "you iss likely de sister from Hugo Ennis, ma'am?" Madge's fork clattered down upon her enamel-ware plate. "No," she said. "I of course I'm not his sister." "Excoose me. He don't nefer tell nobody as he vas marrit, Hugo didn't. Ve vas alvays tinking he vos a bachelor mans, yoost like most of dem young mans as come to dese countries."

Dashaway, passed large dinner plates, each with a spoon, a fork, and a coffee cup without saucer. They apologized and discussed the afternoon's game as they passed through the thicket of women's feet. Then they distributed hot buttered rolls, coffee poured from an enamel-ware pot, stuffed olives, potato salad, and angel's-food cake.