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This right he states in his answer to be, that he is a citizen of New Jersey, and owner of the steamboat in question; that the boat is a vessel of more than twenty tons burden, duly enrolled and licensed for carrying on the coasting trade, and intended to be employed by him in that trade, between Elizabethtown, in New Jersey, and the city of New York; and that it was actually employed in navigating between those places at the time of, and until notice of, the injunction from the Court of Chancery was served on him.

Sir Henry Clinton, after having perplexed the Americans by his movements, early on the morning of the 23d of June , rapidly advanced in full force from Elizabethtown toward Springfield. General Greene hastily assembled his scattered detachments and apprised Washington of the march of the royal army, who instantly returned to support Greene's division.

Sarah Bush had been an acquaintance of Thomas Lincoln before his first marriage; she had, it is said, rejected him to marry one Johnston, the jailer at Elizabethtown, who had died, leaving her with three children, a boy and two girls. When Lincoln's widowhood had lasted a year, he went down to Elizabethtown to begin again the wooing broken off so many years before.

Hazzard's regiment of Indiana troops I have ordered to the month of Salt Creek, an important point on the turnpike-road leading to Elizabethtown. I again repeat that our force here is out of all proportion to the importance of the position. Our defeat would be disastrous to the nation; and to expect of new men, who never bore arms, to do miracles, is not right.

Laurens, with eighty men, was to turn the redoubt in order to intercept the retreat of the garrison, but Hamilton, for the moment, saw his long-coveted opportunity glide by him. Washington had determined to give it to our hero's old Elizabethtown tutor, Colonel Barber, conceiving that the light infantry which had made the Virginia campaign was entitled to precedence.

So wants half an hour of the 5th. Dream on. Salutem. Bristol, 14th September, 1795. Saturday night I lodged at Elizabethtown, and, after two wettings, dined on Sunday with General Freelinghuysen. The family is a picture of cheerfullness and happiness.

Ewing is appointed consul to London, and has sailed. Mrs. Allen is still at Elizabethtown. Adieu. New-York, September 18, 1801. Mr.

This was a station generally occupied by one or two galleys. Passing through the village of Bergen, Champe took the road toward Elizabethtown Point. Middleton's sergeant gained the bridge, where he concealed himself, ready to intercept Champe as soon as he appeared.

"I reckon I can find a quart for you," was the instant answer. "If you will secure two horses and a guide to take us over the road to Elizabethtown to-night we will pay you a hundred dollars." This offer interested the man with the lamp. "Bring your friend in here," he said, "and I will see what I can do for you. Perhaps I can get the horses, and if I can " "Do you know the road?"

Burr, at that time about twenty months old. In 1761 he was removed to Stockbridge, in Massachusetts, and placed in the family of Timothy Edwards, his mother's eldest brother. In 1762 his maternal uncle, Timothy, removed to Elizabethtown, New-Jersey. Aaron and his sister Sarah remained in the family until the former entered college, and the latter became the wife of Judge Reeve.