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The original song in which he expresses this sentiment is still extant, and the particular stanza in question runs as follows: "Do man der rehten minne pflag Da pflag man ouch der ehren; Nu mag man naht und tag Die boesen sitte leren; Swer dis nu siht, und jens do sach, O we! was der nu clagen mag Tugende wend sich nu verkehren."

Let us give it in the Original too, as a specimen of German spelling: "Der Prints von Mihrau ist vohr einigen thagen hier gewessen und haben wier einige Wasser schwermer in der See ihm zu Ehren gesmissen, seine frau ist mit eber thoten Printzesin nieder geKomen. Der General schulenburg ist heute hier gekommen und wirdt morgen" That is to say:

Jesus, I had to laugh at the way he came out with that about the old one with the winkers on her, blind drunk in her royal palace every night of God, old Vic, with her jorum of mountain dew and her coachman carting her up body and bones to roll into bed and she pulling him by the whiskers and singing him old bits of songs about Ehren on the Rhine and come where the boose is cheaper.

EIN KUSSCHEN IN EHREN, you know " and, in very fact, he leaned forward and pecked at her cheek. The blood dyed her face and she panted with rage. "You young scoundrel!" she gasped. "You impertinent young dog! I'll give you in charge. I'll I'll report you to the police. Let me go this instant this very instant, do you hear? or I'll scream for help." The other two had come over to enjoy the fun.

The first Iseult dies of a broken heart at the sight of her lover's bier, and the Herald in a speech draws the moral of the tale: Aus dem so lass dich treulich warnen, O Mensch, vor solcher Liebe Garnen, Und spar dein Lieb' bis in die Eh', Dann hab' Ein lieb' und keine meh. Diesselb' Lieb' ist mit Gott und Ehren, Die Welt damit fruchtbar zu mehren.