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"Look here, Rathburn, there's no use in you an' me being on the outs," he said in an undertone. "We've got something in common." "You've made a mistake already," Rathburn interrupted sharply. "We haven't a thing in common I know of, Eagen, unless it's a gun apiece."

The drawl in which Rathburn concluded his speech drove Eagen to a frenzy. "You lie, Rathburn!" Rathburn smiled. "I might as well tell you that I intended to get away with that money that's on the table, Eagen. That's what I took it for. I'm making this little statement because something's liable to happen to one, or both of us. I didn't know Doane was cashier of the bank when I took it.

Before Slade had time to note that there was no response to his outstretched hand, the surgeon had jumped in and pushed him roughly back upon his pillow. "What did you promise?" he growled. "You were to lie still, weren't you? And you'll do it, or out we go." "How are you, Eagen?" drawled Darrow. "Not Eagen. I'm done with that. They've told you, haven't they?" Darrow nodded.

She took my gun an' then gave it back when Mike Eagen showed up, thinkin' maybe there'd be gun play, an' I'd get mine." "Now you shet up!" shrilled Price. "I reckon you've lost all the brains you ever did have? Do you think Laura would keep your gun, knowin' there might be trouble, an' you wouldn't have any way to protect yourself? Don't you suppose she knows you're as fast as Eagen?

"You want to see him?" asked Gomez craftily. Rathburn had a consuming aversion for the wily Mexican. He hated the shifty look in his eyes and his oily tongue. "Not yet," he answered shortly. "He will be here maybe," said Gomez eagerly. "It is you change your mind?" Rathburn scowled. The Mexican then knew all about the proposition Eagen had made to him the night before.

But you lied when you said you'd shoot square, Eagen. I wouldn't trust you as far as you could throw a bull by the tail, an' there's half a dozen other reasons why you an' me couldn't be pardners!" Eagen stepped back with a snarl of rage. "I don't reckon you're entitled to what rep you've got!" he blurted hoarsely. "Right down under the skin, Rathburn, I believe you're soft!"

Long said to-day, I heard just now, that he'd put every deputy he had an' every man he could swear in as a special on your trail, and he'd get you." "The thing that I can't see," drawled Rathburn, "is what that's got to do with you. I suppose you're here as a missionary to tip me off. Thanks." Eagen had calmed down. He stepped closer to Rathburn and spoke in a low tone.