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Having resolved to attend a dress-ball one night, without his master's permission, and being perplexed for suitable garments, Sam determined to take his master's. So, dressing himself in the doctor's clothes, even to his boots and hat, off the negro started for the city. Being well acquainted with the usual walk of the patrols he found no difficulty in keeping out of their way.

Weeks had worn on, and the seven-and-sixpenny town-mades had nearly worn out, when the night arrived for the grand dress-ball at which the whole of the five-and-seventy pupils were to meet together, for the first time that season, and to take out some portion of their respective four-and-sixpences in lamp-oil and fiddlers. Mr.

I remember to have read that Don Juan of Austria, governor of the Low Countries, set out post from Brussels, and came to Paris incog. on purpose to see Marguerite de Valois dance at a dress-ball, this princess being reckoned, at that time, the best dancer in Europe.

In the course of the twenty-four hours, he is an officer of distinction and a journeyman hair-dresser, a shorn apostle and a scullion. He visits the dress-ball and the lowest sink of vice.

Monday, 14 Interview with Mme. la Dauphine. Tuesday, 15 Supped at La Muette. Slept at Versailles. Wednesday, 16 My marriage. Apartment in the gallery. Royal banquet in the Salle d'Opera. Thursday, 17 Opera of "Perseus." Friday, 18 Stag-hunt. Met at La Belle Image. Took one. Saturday, 19 Dress-ball in the Salle d'Opera. Fireworks. Thursday, 31 I had an indigestion.

Very wealthy, handsome, and of noble birth, to all appearances he was a gentleman, having a very gracious way about him; but in reality he was wayward, headstrong, and dissipated. He entertained lavishly, and his parties were the talk of the countryside especially the dress-ball which he gave every New Year's Eve, starting at midnight and continuing throughout the next day and night.

Having resolved to attend a dress-ball one night, without his master's permission, and being perplexed for suitable garments, Sam determined to take his master's. So, dressing himself in the doctor's clothes even to his boots and hat, off the negro started for the city. Being well acquainted with the usual walk of the patrols he found no difficulty in keeping out of their way.

Monday, 14 Interview with Mme. la Dauphine. Tuesday, 15 Supped at La Muette. Slept at Versailles. Wednesday, 16 My marriage. Apartment in the gallery. Royal banquet in the Salle d'Opera. Thursday, 17 Opera of "Perseus." Friday, 18 Stag-hunt. Met at La Belle Image. Took one. Saturday, 19 Dress-ball in the Salle d'Opera. Fireworks. Thursday, 31 I had an indigestion.