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Massage, passive movement, hot and cold douching, and other measures, may be necessary to get rid of the chronic œdema, adhesions of tendons, and stiffness of joints which sometimes remain. In situations where a constricting band cannot be applied, for example, on the trunk or the neck, Klapp's suction bells may be used, small incisions being made to admit of the escape of pus.

Constitutional measures, massage, and douching should be employed, and the tendon should be protected from strain. #Calcification and Ossification in Muscles, Tendons, and Fasciæ.# Myositis ossificans.

Lady Holme watched the whole performance imperturbably, but before the final curtain fell she knew that she was not going to throw cold water on that flame which was burning within her. Fritz's behaviour, perhaps, decided which of the two actions should be carried out the douching or the fanning. Possibly Leo Ulford had something to say in the matter too.

If the lesion is high up, as it is, for example, in crutch paralysis, the triceps and anconeus may also suffer. Treatment. The slighter forms of injury by compression recover under massage, douching, and electricity.

She should also, before douching with weak disinfecting lotion, wash thoroughly internally and externally with suitable soap and water. This will certainly help to prevent infection in the vagina and elsewhere. The rubber pessary and the suppository will give her a very real measure of protection against the worst of all forms of infection, viz., uterine and ovarian.

She can also protect herself against infection in the female urethra that is, the passage from the bladder by urinating immediately after each connection, as advised. A good deal of nonsense is still talked by some medical practitioners about the alleged harmfulness of douching.

An hour or two after intercourse, or next morning, this seminal fluid can all be washed away by the use of syringe and bidet. It is far better to sit over the bidet and syringe in that position than to squat down over a basin an uncomfortable and unsuitable position for douching, because the walls of the vagina in that position may be pressed hard together.

To relieve the pain, warm fomentations or lead and opium lotion should be applied. Later, ichthyol-glycerin, or glycerin and belladonna, may be substituted. When, at the end of three weeks, the danger of embolism is past, douching and gentle massage may be employed to disperse the œdema; and when the patient gets up he should wear a supporting elastic bandage.

Charge them, in your private account-book, under the heads of food and clothing, and as a substitute for your present enormous items under the head of medicine. O mistaken economist! can you afford the cessation of labor and the ceaseless drugging and douching of your last few years?

Salicylate of soda in full doses, or aspirin, usually proves effectual in relieving pain, but when this is very intense it may call for injections of heroin or morphin. Potassium iodide is of benefit in chronic cases. Relief usually results from bathing, douching, and massage, and from repeated gentle stretching of the nerve.