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There is not a crowned head nor potentate in Europe before whom I would not gladly and fearlessly put my system to such test. Give me but a clear cut case one that has not been spoiled by massive dosage or surgery, and I am willing that the system shall stand or fall by the result." "That is perfectly fair, and I know, Doctor, that you would succeed," said the Count.

At one-hour intervals he twice repeated the grain dosage. But so slow was the action of the drug that dawn had broken ere his eyes closed. At seven he was awake again, dry-mouthed, feeling stupid and drowsy, yet incapable of dozing off for more than several minutes at a time. He abandoned the idea of sleep, ate breakfast in bed, and devoted himself to the morning papers and the magazines.

As I never encountered any cures nor received the slightest benefit from my experiments, I was deterred from injuring myself through persistent dosage.

It probably should not be given if the patient has previously had good dosage of digitalis.

If a patient has not been receiving digitalis, it is best to begin with a small close and gradually increase the dosage, rather than to give the heart a sudden shock from an enormous dose of digitalis. The preparation selected must be the best obtainable, but the exact dosage of any preparation can be determined only by its effect, as all preparations of digitalis deteriorate sooner or later.

His feeling to-day was that Mme Roussell's paralysis was due to arsenical dosage, and that Perrotte had died of poisoning. Helene, speaking to him of Perrotte, had said, ``She's a chest subject. She'll never get better! And she had used the same phrase, ``never get better, with regard to little Rabot.

It was not a difficult task. The dosage, mixed in the coffee he had given them earlier, was a light one. Calhoun took the precaution of disarming them first, but presently four hot-eyed young men glared at him. "I'm calling," said Calhoun, holding a blaster negligently in his hand, "I'm calling for volunteers. There's a famine on Dara. There've been unmanageable crop-surpluses on Weald.

He has the height, the facial features, the hands, and the sort of mentality that run together in his endocrine make-up. He also has the headaches. It is quite probable that feeding him pituitary gland extract in the proper dosage would relieve him of his headaches.

I can hardly resist the conclusion that faith in dosage is, by as much, inability for the deduction of science. "I know whereof I believe," is the language of Science. "I believe," is the language of credulity with all the ways back to cause too hazy for the perception of even the assuring guide-boards.

Being a very powerful drug, it was essential to measure exactly how strong your extract was so its dosage could be controlled. Quantitative organic chemistry was rather crude in those days. Instead of assaying in a test tube, Dr. Pottenger kept several big cages full of cats that he had adrenalectomized.