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It is not Domenichino's difficulty that makes you so determined to go. It is your own personal passion for " "It's not true!" he interrupted vehemently. "He is nothing to me; I don't care if I never see him again." He broke off, seeing in her face that he had betrayed himself. Their eyes met for an instant, and dropped; and neither of them uttered the name that was in both their minds.

Do you suppose Domenichino borrowed so much from his master?" "I fear so. Yet his picture is infinitely superior to this. And, look, here is Domenichino's Death of St. Peter, Martyr, which was borrowed largely from Titian's famous picture of the same subject, which has unfortunately been destroyed." "But don't you call that a species of plagiarism?" queried Malcom. "Undoubtedly it is.

One of his enemies a Roman on this occasion destroyed what was left of Domenichino's work in Naples. The painter's fate was a miserable one, and by a coincidence between his fortune and his taste in subjects, he has identified his name with terrible representations of martyrdoms. Domenichino is accredited with more taste than fancy.

In one of the underground chapels of the church, a dark and gloomy cavern cut out of the solid rock, the guide said: "In this grotto Saint Jerome passed thirty years fasting, praying, meditating, and writing. His last communion was taken here." We remembered that Domenichino's celebrated painting in the Vatican at Rome, called the "Last Communion of St.

A bright English critic, whose style is as charming as his judgments are good, says, in his study of the Donizetti music: "I find myself thinking of his music as I do of Domenichino's pictures of 'St.

Domenichino's 'Flagellation of St Andrew, and 'Communion of St Jerome, in payment of which he only received about five guineas; his 'Martyrdom of St Sebastian, and his 'Four Evangelists, which are among his masterpieces, were all painted in Rome, and remain in Rome.

His immobility, his admiration, can only be understood by other souls open to ideal beauty, to the ineffable joy of beholding art made perfect; such as these can stand for whole hours before the Antiope Correggio's masterpiece before Leonardo's Gioconda, Titian's Mistress, Andrea del Sarto's Holy Family, Domenichino's Children Among the Flowers, Raphael's little cameo, or his Portrait of an Old Man Art's greatest masterpieces.

Dubois, a pupil of Regnault, had been to Rome, where he had seen Raphael's tapestries, which he set above all the masterpieces of the world. He admired Correggio's colouring, Annibale Caracci's invention, Domenichino's drawing, but thought nothing comparable in point of style with the pictures of Pompeio Battoni.