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Is that merely Missy's doll, or is it the limb of a stifled Cupid peeping out? What do you suppose are those ashes smouldering in the grate? Very likely a suttee has been offered up there just before you came in: a faithful heart has been burned out upon a callous corpse, and you are looking on the cineri doloso. You see B. and his wife receiving their company before dinner. Gracious powers!

We will not attach him to any sect, but we will give him the means to choose for himself according to the right use of his own reason. Incedo per ignes Suppositos cineri doloso. Horace, lib. ii. ode I. No matter! Thus far zeal and prudence have taken the place of caution. I hope that these guardians will not fail me now.

There are so many dangerous steps, that, for the more safety, we must a little lightly and superficially glide over the world, and not rush through it. Pleasure itself is painful in profundity: "Incedis per ignes, Suppositos cineri doloso."

"Libera nos a malo ora pro nobis, peccatoribus ab hoste maligno defende me ab homine iniquo et doloso erue me peccator videbit et irascetur desiderium peccatorum peribit " came from the priest with torrent speed. "Jee-les-pee! Jee-les-pee!" roared a dozen throats above the half-way landing. Then came the stamp of many feet to the door. "Wait, men!" Hamilton's voice commanded.

How far has it even temporarily checked the instinctive tendency of the masses in both communities to break away from their allies and go for each other rather than for that common enemy against whom "Non-co-operation" bids them combine? Frequent outbreaks continue to reveal from time to time the ignes cineri suppositos doloso. They mostly follow the same course.