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"Just thin Morgan O'Toole come in, an' laned over th' ba-ar. He's been a dillygate to ivry town convention iv th' Raypublicans since I dinnaw whin. 'Well, says he, 'I see they're pilin' it on, he says. 'On th' dead? says I, be way iv a joke. 'No, he says; 'but did ye see they're puttin' up a monnymint over th' rebils out here be Oakwoods? he says.

It dhruv him to a sick-bed." "Jawn," said Mr. Dooley to Mr. McKenna, "what did th' Orangeys do to-day?" "They had a procession," said Mr. McKenna. "Was it much, I dinnaw?" "Not much." "That's good," said Mr. Dooley. "That's good. They don't seem to be gettin' anny sthronger, praise be! Divvle th' sthraw do I care f'r thim.

Th' raypublicans come up an' they choose th' 'we commind' principles, an' they was nawthin' left f'r the dimmycrats but th' 'we denounce an' deplores. I dinnaw how it come about, but th' dimmycrats didn't like th' way th' thing shtud, an' so they fixed it up between thim that whichiver won at th' iliction shud commind an' congratulate, an' thim that lost shud denounce an' deplore.

"How manny wives has this here man Roberts that's thryin' to break into Congress?" Mr. Dooley asked. "I dinnaw," said Mr. Hennessy; "I nivver heerd iv him." "I think it's three," said Mr. Dooley. "No wondher he needs wurruk an' is fightin' hard f'r th' job. I'm with him too, be hivens. Not that I'm be taste or inclination a marryin' man, Hinnissy. They may get me to th' altar some day.

'Onless, he says, 'ye'd feel like buyin' out th' whole business, he says. 'I'm a pathrite, he says; 'but I'm no bigot, he says. "An' there it stands, Hinnissy, with th' indulgent parent kneelin' on th' stomach iv his adopted child, while a dillygation fr'm Boston bastes him with an umbrella. There it stands, an' how will it come out I dinnaw. I'm not much iv an expansionist mesilf.

"I dinnaw about that," said Mr. Dooley; "but I know this, that there's th' makin' iv gr-reat statesmen in Porther Ricky. A proud people that can switch as quick as thim la-ads have nawthin' to larn in th' way iv what Hogan calls th' signs iv gover'mint, even fr'm th' Supreme Court." "If they don't catch up with him pretty soon," said Mr.

What th' butcher done I dinnaw; but annyhow they accused him iv wantin' to poleaxe th' governmint; an' they thrun him into a cell. Now th' butcher he had a frind be th' name iv Guerin, an Irish name it is, but this la-ad don't appear to be wan iv us, Jools Guerin. He was wanst in th' thripe business; but he is now r-runnin' a newspaper, like most iv th' people iv Fr-rance.