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In his ignorance he merely went forward with an increased freedom of spirit. All of which is set down, not without underlying pathos, in the diary of that date. And that freedom of spirit remained by him, notwithstanding his altered circumstances.

The account-books of Dr Haynes, preserved along with his other papers, show, from a date but little later than that of his institution as archdeacon, a quarterly payment of L25 to J. L. Nothing could have been made of this, had it stood by itself. But I connect with it a very dirty and ill-written letter, which, like another that I have quoted, was in a pocket in the cover of a diary.

What he write is true. "That's his name," the Captain said, "and if you don't find that he was as crazy as a bedbug I'll say I'm General Graves." "This diary seems to be written in very good English." "Yes," said the Captain, "all those fellows keep one. They're like the Germans give 'em a pencil and a piece of paper and they'll scribble all day." "Did he say who wrote this?"

"An unlucky cannon-ball of the enemy," as he observes, did some damage at this period to his diary, but it happened at a moment when comparatively little was doing, so that the chasm was of less consequence.

And when the inevitable disruption came, what was unspeakably painful was to realize that it was not from one, but from both parents that the purpose of the child was separated. My Mother was a Puritan in grain, and never a word escaped her, not a phrase exists in her diary, to suggest that she had any privations to put up with.

As a matter of fact, many of the soldiers, after a brief period of liberty, returned of their own accord to the standard. We find at least one case in the diary of David How, which, in addition to revealing his actions, gives a glimpse of the camp at the end of the year, when many of the men were going away, and the others were joining their new regiments.

A passage from the diary concerning the appointment of Colonial Governors will be regarded by all official persons as obsolete.

"November 18. More shooting. Boers in all hills. "November 19. More shooting and galloping about. Reached Heilbron. "November 20. Left for Frankfort. Boers in attendance as usual. Our two guns and pompom very useful." Those were the last entries I made in my diary.

The little I have now written is my utmost effort; yet yesterday I thought it necessary to write an answer to a scurrilous libel in The Diary by one Scipio. On my own account he should have remained unnoticed; but our great cause must be kept unsullied." Mr. Ramsay was a man of active habit, of diligence and perseverance in his undertakings, and of extraordinary application.

After two hours' work they summed up their conclusions, making careful notes with the Queen's fountain pen on the blank pages at the end of a large diary. "A man or men " said Phillips. The Queen wrote down "A man or men" in the diary. "Has," said Phillips, "or have, been present on the island of Salissa at some date between December 15, 1913, and April 30, 1914.