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Mr Pulleyne took for his text a few words in the 23rd verse of the sixth chapter of Deuteronomy. "He brought us out from thence, that He might bring us in." He said to the people: "`He brought us out' who brought us? God, our Maker; God, that loved the world. `He brought us out' who be we?

He did not ask the question for guidance, but as an inquisitor cross-examining a suspected heretic. The two commandments are quoted from Deuteronomy vi. 5 and Leviticus xix. 18 respectively. The lawyer probably only desired to raise a discussion as to the relative worth of isolated precepts. Jesus goes deep down below isolated precepts, and unifies, as well as transforms, the law.

In the 18th chapter of Deuteronomy God says, “The Prophet which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that Prophet shall die. That Prophet hath spoken presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him

Richardson preached yesterday, from Deuteronomy xviii. 10th, 11th, and 12th verses.

We wrote from our heart and they said something about a disordered liver. We took a text from Matthew or er yes, Deuteronomy, but the preachers were hammering away at the inspiration idea before we could get into type. So, driven to the wall, we go for our subject-matter to the reliable, old, moral, unassailable vade mecum the unabridged dictionary. Miss Merriam was cashier at Hinkle's.

As he is about to embrace Joshua and Eleazar, he is covered with a cloud and disappears in a valley, although he piously wrote in the holy books that he died lest the people should say that, because of his marvelous virtue, he was taken up to God. For the last statement Josephus has the authority of some sages, who discussed whether the last verses of Deuteronomy were written by Moses himself.

Put your trust under 'the shadow of His wings. That is a beautiful image, drawn, probably, from the grand words of Deuteronomy, where God is likened to the 'eagle stirring up her nest, fluttering over her young, with tenderness in her fierce eye, and protecting strength in the sweep of her mighty pinion.

The wild goat, or akko, mentioned in Deuteronomy, is not held sufficiently specific by naturalists, who imagine that it must be identified with another animal called by the Seventy tragelaphus, literally the goat-deer.

Castration was forbidden the Jews, Deuteronomy, xxiii, 1, but as this book was probably unknown before the time of Josiah, we can only conjecture as to the attitude of the patriarchs in regard to this subject; we are safe, however, in inferring that it was hostile.

But Saddoc, Eleazar interrupted, has forgotten that one of the leading thoughts in this discourse is that the words in Deuteronomy were written for starving tribes that came out of Arabia rather than for us to whom God has given the land of Canaan. We were then among the rudiments of the world and man was but a child, incapable, as Mathias has said, of the knowledge of God as an absolute being.